此曲為美國歌手兼詞曲作家Bobby Russell所寫,首錄唱者為The Kingston Trio的成員Bob Shane,而一週後,美國流行歌手Bobby Goldsboro的版本也接著發行。先唱者先贏?結果是Bobby Goldsboro的版本在1968告示牌的鄉村、熱門及當代成人排行榜均拿下了冠軍,而這也是Bobby Goldsboro唯一的一首冠軍曲。
歌曲雖然爆紅,卻也由於歌詞的內容,引來一些爭議負評。原本歌曲是欲藉由「睹 ( 樹 ) 思人」,而帶出一段「愛的故事」。但有些人對歌詞中的部份描述不太以為然,覺得有些病態。像是妻子出門替所種的小樹掃雪,以免被凍死,而進門時滑了一跤,卻被大笑不已;形容妻子有些dumb ( 呆?蠢?);取笑妻子看午夜場的節目因而流淚哭泣……等等。
辛辛那提的日報---「The Cincinnati Enquirer」報導說這首歌經常會出現在「worst songs of all-time」的名單上。2006,CNN的撰稿人Todd Leopold,指名說這也是首歷年來的大爛歌。不過,70年代英國的電台DJ---Tony Blackburn,在和他的演員老婆Tessa Wyatt離婚分居的過程中,為了想挽回,想出了一個策略,就是定期輪迴的播放此曲,並還當場告訴聽眾,說他是多麼的思念愛妻。但他這種公器私用、有些脫序的行為,後來還被某電視節目當作題材戲謔惡搞。( Tony Blackburn是個名符其實的風流情種,1977與Tessa Wyatt離婚後,或許是他多情的表現受到眾多女士的青睞。1985,他坦承曾與250名女士「共眠」過。20多年後,又因另位「千人斬」-- Bill Roache而談論到此話題,記者問他有無超過Roache數目的一半500人?他的回答是:『Er......Yes!』)
Tony Blackburn & Tessa Wyatt
1968,Bobby Goldsboro告訴音樂雜誌NME ( New Musical Express ) 說:『我認為《Honey》是首情感豐富的歌,而非為所謂的「病態」或「死亡」之歌。事實上這首歌很單純,只不過是一個男人回憶在妻子生前所發生的一些瑣事。對我而言,這一點都不病態。』
See the tree, how big it's grown
But friend it hasn't been too long
It wasn't big
I laughed at her and she got mad,
The first day that she planted it
Was just a twig
Then the first snow came and she ran out
To brush the snow away
So it wouldn't die
Came runnin' in all excited,
Slipped and almost hurt herself
And I laughed till I cried
She was always young at heart,
Kinda dumb and kinda smart
And I loved her so
And I surprised her with a puppy
Kept me up all Christmas Eve two years ago
And it would sure embarrass her
When I came in from workin' late
'Cause I would know
That she'd been sittin' there and cryin'
Over some sad and silly late, late show
And honey, I miss you and I'm bein' good
And I'd love to be with you if only I could
She wrecked the car and she was sad
And so afraid that I'd be mad
But what the heck
Though I pretended hard to be
Guess you could say she saw through me
And hugged my neck
I came home unexpectedly
And caught her cryin' needlessly
In the middle of a day
And it was in the early spring
When flowers bloom and robins sing
She went away
And honey, I miss you and I'm bein' good
And I'd love to be with you if only I could
One day while I was not at home
While she was there and all alone
The angels came
Now all I have is memories of honey
And I wake up nights and call her name
Now my life's an empty stage
Where honey lived and honey played
And love grew up
And a small cloud passes overhead
And cries down on the flower bed
That honey loved
And see the tree how big it's grown
But friend it hasn't been too long
It wasn't big
And I laughed at her and she got mad
The first day that she planted it,
Was just a twig