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老歌亂談(425)Don't Cry Daddy

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這首《Don't Cry Daddy》是貓王Elvis Presley於1969年所推出的單曲,在美、英兩國排行榜分別獲得第6及第8名。

歌曲大意是說男子失去了妻子 ( 未特別說明是過世還是離婚 ),傷心難過的他晚上淚溼滿枕,其中一個孩子還安慰他,再找個新媽咪就是了,也鼓勵他要快樂一些。( 孩子如此的懂事,真是爸爸的性福。^^)

1997年,在貓王逝世20週年的紀念音樂會上,貓王唯一的女兒Lisa Marie Presley ( 曾嫁給Michael Jackson ),在主辦單位的安排下,以顯影方式與貓王隔空合唱此曲,唯此現場演唱版事後並未作商業使用。

Lisa Marie Presley

美國鄉村歌手Conway Twitty和女兒Kathy Twitty合唱的版本也不錯聽,當然,有將歌詞中小孩的名字改為Jimmy and Johnny。

Conway & Kathy

Today I stumbled from my bed
With thunder crashing in my head,
My pillow still wet
From last night's tears
As I think of giving up
A voice inside my coffee cup
Kept crying out
Ringing in my ears

Don't cry, daddy
Daddy, please don't cry
Daddy, you've still got me and little Tommy
And together we'll find a brand new mommy
Daddy, daddy, please laugh again
Daddy, ride us on your back again
Oh, daddy
Don't cry

Why are children always first
To feel the pain and the hurt the worst
It's true but somehow
It just don't seem right
'Cause every time I cry I know
It hurts my little children so I wonder
Will it be the same tonight

台長: 流浪阿狗
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