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老歌亂談(731)In My Secret Life

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去年 ( 2016 ),當發佈Bob Dylan獲得諾貝爾文學獎,曾引起了各界的一些爭議,其中有些人認為,既然Dylan可以獲獎,那加拿大的傳奇詩人Leonard Cohen應該更有資格。Cohen倒是自有看法:『對於不可磨滅的成就,沒有什麼獎項是必要的。』也做出了比喻:『對我來說,諾貝爾獎就像是替聖母峰掛上世界第一高峰的勳章。』

Leonard Cohen在1988時曾透露,他正在著手進行一首名為《In My Secret Life》的新歌,最後卻是拖到2001才錄製,並收錄在他的專輯《Ten New Songs》中。專輯的成績不差:Billboard 200 / #143、Canada / #4、Poland & Norway / #1。而此曲在波蘭的「電台播放排行榜」則是拿下了第2名。

在每個人的心靈深處,應該都有一塊屬於自己的秘密花園,有些真正的想法甚難對人毫無保留的表白,這或許就是「人性」吧!1994年,60歲的 Leonard Cohen 開始隱居在洛杉磯附近的 Baldy 修道院,並在1996年正式皈依臨濟宗,法號 Jikan (沈默)。由後來的皈依來看

也是在去年 ( 2016-11-10 ),Leonard Cohen辭世,享年82歲。

In my secret life
In my secret life
In my secret life
In my secret life

I saw you this morning
You were moving so fast
Can't seem to loosen my grip
On the past
And I miss you so much
There's no one in sight
And we're still making love
In my secret life
In my secret life

I smile when I'm angry
I cheat and I lie
I do what I have to do
To get by
But I know what is wrong
And I know what is right
And I'd die for the truth
In my secret life
In my secret life

Hold on, hold on, my brother
My sister, hold on tight
I finally got my orders
I'll be marching through the morning
Marching through the night
Moving cross the borders
Of my secret life

Looked through the paper
Makes you wanna cry
Nobody cares if the people
Live or die
And the dealer wants you thinking
That it's either black or white
Thank God it's not that simple
In my secret life

I bite my lip
I buy what I'm told
From the latest hit
To the wisdom of old
But I'm always alone
And my heart is like ice
And it's crowded and cold
In my secret life
In my secret life
In my secret life
In my secret life
In my secret life
In my secret life

台長: 流浪阿狗
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