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老歌亂談(1193)The Door Is Always Open

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此曲由Dickey Lee與Bob McDill兩位所合寫,首由鄉村樂團Tennessee Pulleybone於1973錄唱發行,獲得鄉村排行榜第75名。1975,女歌手Lois Johnson翻唱,成績略有進步,獲得排行榜第70名。不可思議的是,寫歌之一的Dickey Lee,也在1975親自跳出來詮釋,他的版本竟然連排行榜的邊都沒摸到。接下來,才於1975組成的三人合唱團體Dave & Sugar,將此曲作為組團後的第2首單曲推出,卻一舉奪得了鄉村榜的冠軍(1976)。

Sugar的兩位原始女團員在1977、79分別有更換。80年代初,Dave嘗試單飛,短暫的將樂團解散,發行了一張名為《Sugar Free》的專輯,個人有兩首入榜單曲。後Dave又組二代的Sugar,但未能像之前般受到歡迎,1982,Dave & Sugar也就永久的解散了。自1975~1981,Dave & Sugar共有16首入榜歌曲,其中有包含此曲在內的3首冠軍曲。

歌曲敘說的是,前女友雖然嫁了個有華廈的丈夫,卻得不到許多其它自己想要的 ( 感覺不怎麼幸福 )。而男方能做的也只是敞開門點亮大廳的燈,意思當然是等待對方還是能重回懷抱。這也牽涉一個一直存在的議題,許多女生一心想嫁入豪門,但豪門未必是個能輕鬆過日子的地方。


Yes the door is always open and the light's on in the hall
And you know that I'll be waiting when you finally come to call

Saw your picture in the paper and I see you've married good
And I know that he can give you all the things I never could
But I know that he won't give me what I need most of all
Well the door is always open and the light's on in the hall
Yes the door is always open...

When night falls on that mansion and you're lying in his bed
When he begs for your attention will you think of me instead
And when he reaches out to touch me with a face turned to the wall
Yes the door is always open and the light's on in the hall
Yes the door is always open...
Yes the door is always open...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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