這首《You And Me And Time》也不算是老歌,是美國鄉村歌手George Jones 2008專輯《Burn Your Playhouse Down》中的歌曲,此專輯標榜的是均為未曾發表過的合唱曲,包含與Mark Knopfler ( 險峻海峽 )、Keith Richards ( 滾石 )等人的合唱,但其實是新瓶裝舊酒,都是取材自早前為準備其他專輯時就錄製好的歌,真正新唱的只有由女兒Georgette Jones和人合寫,父女倆人一起對唱的這首《You And Me And Time》。
Georgette Jones的母親是被稱為「鄉村音樂第一夫人的」Tammy Wynette ( Georgette 5歲時父母離異,後再各自嫁娶。),生長在這樣的家庭,Georgette從三歲時就隨著父母上台,10歲時和父親合錄她的首支單曲《Daddy Come Home》,並在HBO的特別節目中演唱,後也擔任過母親的幕後合音。對於Georgette和其母親的歌聲比較,評論兩極。我則覺得她的唱功是還不錯,但未具其母之歌喉特色,要想和其父母一樣在鄉村音樂界享有聲譽,哈,恐還得再加努力。

Georgette Jones和母親Tammy Wynette

George jones和Georgette jones上電視演唱《Daddy Come Home》--1981
從這首歌詞來看,父女間要修補曾經失去的愛。而諷刺的是,父女間的失和,在2012被搬上了新聞版面。先是父親George Jones在他的網站貼了一段音檔,說女兒之前在網路和臉書到處散布謊言,指責他的不是,其實他一直都有給女兒錢,只是到現在已無錢可給。女兒Georgette Jones則說父親生氣是因為她之前和同父異母的兩位哥哥成為了朋友 ( 此兩位哥哥和父親之間有衝突不和,早已互不來往 ),她希望父親能來參加她的婚禮 ( 再婚 ),倘此,兩位哥哥同意可不出席,但遲未等到父親的回覆,後在父親的網頁發現婚禮當天竟然安排了有演唱行程,最後只得由她兩位18歲的雙胞胎兒子陪她步上婚禮紅毯。家務事雙方你來我往的扯不清,事情的癥結應該還是在於音樂的權利金這些雙方沒擺平。次年 -- 2013,George Jones病故,不知這位女兒有否收受到父親遺產上的好處?呵呵!

(Georgette): You were just a picture on my baby grand
(George): Yours was in my wallet, I showed to all my friends
(Georgette): But the world rolled in between us, keeping us apart
(Georgette): Thank God we discovered we're still joined at the heart
(Both): You and me and time
(Both): Finally got together
(Both): I'm sorry that it took so long
(Both): But better late than never
(Both): The love we thought we'd lost
(Both): Was not that hard to find
(Both): It only took the three of us
(Both): You and me and time
(Georgette): I lost you to the spotlight, but kept you in my prayers
(George): No matter where they took me, hon you were always there
(Georgette): It's so hard when your hero is a stranger in your home
(Both): Our love's like a mountain, one can't move it alone
(Both): But you and me and time
(Both): Finally got together
(Both): I'm sorry that it took so long
(Both): But better late than never
(Both): The love we thought we'd lost
(Both): Was not that hard to find
(Both): It only took the three of us
(Both): You and me and time
(Georgette): We can't light the candles on the birthday's that we missed
(Georgette): But we can hold each other and thank the Lord for this
(Georgette): Daddy you and me and time
(Both): Finally got together
(Both): I'm sorry that it took so long
(Both): But better late than never
(Both): The love we thought we lost
(Both): Was not that hard to find
(Both): It only took the three of us
(Both): You and me and time
(Both): It only took the three of us
(Both): You and me and time
(George): I love you darlin'