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老歌亂談(1117)Easier Said Than Done

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美國樂團The Essex原由4位現役的陸戰隊員所組成,後在NCO Club ( 士官俱樂部 ) 聽到亦為陸戰女隊員的Anita Humes唱歌,覺得歌喉頗佳,而邀加入樂團,但之後有一員離開,成為了四人組合。

1963,The Essex將歌曲的試唱帶提交給了唱片公司,因而獲得了簽約出單曲的機會。但主打的歌曲為《Are You Going My Way》,此首《Easier Said Than Done》僅作為該曲的B面,而且在錄音室錄製的時間極短 ( 都用在了主打歌身上 ),致事後要以重複的方式剪接。單曲發行後,電台的DJ偏偏就喜歡播放B面的這一首,才短短的一個月,此曲就衝上了告示牌流行榜的冠軍。

據合寫此曲的另位同僚William Linton透露,其實此曲節奏的靈感來自於他工作的「通訊室」的「電傳打字機」的聲音。接下來The Essex又出了幾首單曲,其中《A Walkin' Miracle》的成績也還不錯,拿下第12名。但身為陸戰隊員,The Essex很難接續他們的成功,像過沒多久,成員Rudolph Johnson被派往了沖繩基地,另位Rodeny Taylor則於1966在紐約一場搶劫未遂中身亡。女主唱Anita Humes之後以個人身份替唱片公司出了幾首單曲,唯均無緣進榜。2010過世,享年69歲。



My friends all tell me
Go to him, run to him
Say sweet lovely things to him
And tell him, he's the one

Deep in my heart I know it
But it's so hard to show it
'Cause it's easier, easier said than done

My buddies tell me
Fly to him, sigh to him
Tell him I would die for him
And tell him, he's the one

Although he gives me a feeling
That sets my heart a-reeling
Yet it's easier, easier said than done

Well, I know (I know) that I love him so
But I'm afraid that he'll never know
Because I (I-I) I get so timid and shy
Each time that I look him in the eye

They all tell me
Sing to him, swing with him
And just do anything for him
And tell him, he's the one

I got a love so true
And yet I'm sad and blue
'Cause it's easier, easier said than done

Well, I know (I know) that I love him so
But I'm afraid that he'll never know
Because I (I-I) I get so timid and shy
Each time that I look him in the eye

They all tell me
Sing to him, swing with him
And just do anything for him
And tell him, he's the one

I got a love so true
And yet I'm sad and blue
'Cause it's easier, easier said than done
Easier-er-er-er, said than done

台長: 流浪阿狗
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