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老歌亂談(1172)I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight

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說到《I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight》這首歌,老歌友多半會想到的是由Tommy Boyce & Bobby Hart在1967所推出的那首,該曲分別在錢櫃和告示牌排行榜拿下第7及第8名,在當年的確是有些流行度,不過台長我倒是沒有很喜歡。

以下要介紹的是「同名歌」,而歌詞和旋律則完全不同 ( 其實相同歌名的還有另外幾首,搞不懂寫歌的為何這麼喜歡這個歌名?)。由時間序來看,女歌手Tanya Tucker唱在前面,收錄在1987的專輯《Love Me Like You Used Do》,歌詞中的人物當然是為男性,似未另發行單曲。男歌手Russell Smith的版本則是於1989推出,獲得鄉村榜的第37名,也是他獨唱以來自1984有5首入榜歌曲中成績最好的一首。( 可見在歌壇能有一首冠軍曲是多麼的不容易,更遑論是能贏得葛萊美獎項了。) Russell Smith曾是The Amazing Rhythm Aces樂團的主唱,樂團成立7年後於1981解散,之後1994再合體,2019,Russell被診斷為癌症過世,享年70歲。

The Amazing Rhythm Aces

歌曲述說的是因嚮往自由生活而離開了情人 ( 甚至沒有吻別 ),之後發現自由是多麼的孤獨,而想回鄉去見情人,但心中充滿了各種的不確定 ( 是否已找到了對她好的人? ),也很想知道她今晚在做什麼。


It was raining, like it’s raining the night when I left her
I remember how the rain and the tears fell together
I kept saying, "It's never gonna work out right.”
But I wonder, I wonder what she's doing tonight?
I've wasted all this time trying to face the wind
Now all I want is a chance to see her again.
I had reasons  thought they were right when I walked away
I thought freedom was worth any price that I had to pay

It was crazy I never even kissed her goodbye
Now I wonder, wonder what she's doing tonight
I didn’t knew how lonely freedom could be
If I had only seen where this road would lead
Won't be long now and I'll see the lights of her hometown
It's a long shot but I'm gonna drive by her old house
Will she be there, or has she found someone to treat her right?
Oh I wonder, I wonder what she's doing tonight.
Yes I wonder I wonder what she's doing tonight
Oh I wonder what she's doing tonight
Oh I wonder what she's doing tonight

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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