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老歌亂談(1031)Crying My Heart Out Over You

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此曲為三人所合寫,而由其中兩人Flatt & Scruggs自錄發行,成績不差,在1960鄉村榜最高達到第21名。之後有多位歌手翻唱,其中Ricky Skaggs將此曲收錄在他1981的專輯《Waiting for the Sun to Shine》中,並作為第3首的單曲發行,看來專輯的名稱取得不錯,果然「陽光」出現,Ricky版的此曲拿下了鄉村榜的第一名,也是Ricky Skaggs歌唱生涯的首支冠軍曲。

說Ricky Skaggs是「英雄出少年」一點也不為過。5歲時父親就教他彈mandolin,6歲時隨鄉村藍草 ( bluegrass ) 音樂之父Bill Monroe登台,7歲時和知名的曼陀林及斑鳩琴的兩位樂手一起在電視台的節目表演。當時還想參加Grand Ole Opry ( 知名鄉村音樂表演劇場,能加入成為該劇場會員及登台表演的,代表在鄉村音樂有一定的程度實力。) 的試唱,但被告知太年輕了。Skaggs的這個心願終於在20年後的1982實現,而在當時他也算是該劇場最年輕的會員。

1976,Ricky Skaggs曾組樂團Boone Creek,成員有後來也闖出一片天的Vince Gill ( 21座葛萊美獎 ),也曾是Emmylou Harris ( 14座葛萊美獎 ) 樂隊的成員,負責彈Mandolin或拉小提琴或擔任合音,也在Harris的專輯《Roses in the Snow》( 1980 )中擔任編曲。Skaggs自己的成就也不差,迄今也已拿下15座葛萊美及其他各獎項。

Vince Gill

Ricky Skaggs和Emmylou Harris同台表演,中為Linda Ronstadt。


亂談(575)Why Did I Wait So Long

亂談(583)Send A Letter Amanda




Off somewhere the music's playing soft and low.
And another holds the one that I love so.
I was blind I could not see
That you meant the world to me
But like a fool I stood and watched you go.
Now, I'm crying my heart out over you.
Those blue eyes now they smile at someone new.
Ever since you went away
I die a little more each day
'Cause I'm crying my heart out over you.
Each night I climb the stairs up to my room.
It seems I hear you whisper in the gloom.
I miss your picture on the wall
And your footsteps in the hall
While I'm crying my heart out over you.
Now, I'm crying my heart out over you.
Those blue eyes now they smile at someone new.
Ever since you went away
I die a little more each day
'Cause I'm crying my heart out over you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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