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老歌亂談(1128)Heart of My Heart

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美國鄉村歌曲雙人組合The Bellamy Brothers ( 貝拉米兄弟 )於1975簽入Crub唱片公司,同年底由Neil Diamond的鼓手推薦,錄製了一首也是Neil Diamond的班底 -- 「巡演管理員」Larry E. Williams所寫的《Let Your Love Flow》,不僅拿下了告示牌流行榜的冠軍,也成為了國際暢銷曲,兄弟倆因此「一炮而紅」。不過,自該曲後Bellamy兄弟沉寂了近3年,直至1979才又有另一首鄉村冠軍曲《If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me》出現。

Neil Diamond

追溯起來,Bellamy兄弟自1968即一起搞音樂,迄今已超過50年,難能可貴的是從未聽聞要散夥、單飛什麼的,事實上兄弟倆的家庭目前共同居住在佛羅里達州一處佔地200英畝的牧場 ( 三代同堂 ),牧場也飼養一些Brahman cattle ( 台譯:布拉曼牛,為一種肉牛。) 及quarter horse ( 奎特馬 / 可耕作、趕牛、駕車及騎乘,因善於衝刺,常被用來進行1/4英里的賽馬而得名。),牧場中也有錄音室,兄弟倆的許多歌曲都在此錄製。

Brahman cattle

quarter horse

自《Let Your Love Flow》之後,The Bellamy Brothers並未再有流行榜第1名的歌曲,但在鄉村榜則有26首的冠軍曲。此首《Heart of My Heart》出自2009的精選專輯《The Anthology, Vol. 1》,單曲似未入榜,但卻是首好聽的「失戀情歌」。「in the heart of my heart」意思是「在我內心深處」,像歌曲中如此深情的男子,也確易讓人為之動容。

Girl I know you gotta go, all the love I had can't hold you here
there is one thing that i know, i will hold your memory close my dear...
should you ever think of me, just send your love on the evening breeze,
I will collect it from the wind 'til you come home again.
Cuz in the heart of my heart
there is a place reserved for only you
it has memorized your face, it's a lonely little space
no other love can come into.

In the heart of my heart, there is an empty little feeling there
tho i feel the hurting start. i know I'll never be apart in the heart of my heart.

Lovers leave from time to time
no one thinks that much about it, but when you take your love away
I am just an empty shell without it
if your mind should ever change
ooooh, and you need somewhere to turn to
I will burn that candle low, I will let the embers glow
just so you know I love you.
Because in the heart of my heart
there is a place reserved for only you
it have memorized your face
it's a lonely little space
in the heart of my heart.
In the heart of my heart
there is a empty little feeling there
though I feel the hurting start
I know I'll never be apart
in the heart of my heart

And as long as i survive
You will alway's be alive
In the heart of my heart

台長: 流浪阿狗
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