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老歌亂談(1115)Any Man of Mine

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此曲為加拿大鄉村女歌手Shania Twain與南非籍製作人Robert John Lange所合寫,且由自己錄唱收錄在1995的專輯《The Woman in Me》中,並作為專輯第2首向美國廣播電台發行的單曲。此曲成為Shania首支在美國鄉村榜獲得冠軍的歌曲,也是她第2首同時跨進熱門榜的歌曲 ( No.31 )。唱片才發行了幾個月,就獲得銷售超過50萬張的「金唱片」認證。次年 ( 1996 ),此曲獲得葛萊美獎「年度最佳鄉村女歌手」及「年度最佳鄉村歌曲」兩項提名,可惜均未能獲獎。

合寫此曲的Robert John Lange,其實是就Shania Twain的老公。這位Lange老兄之前在1993聽到了Shania的歌曲後,就主動與Shania連繫,甚至還講了好幾個小時的電話,在相識6個月後,倆人即步入了禮堂,看來這位Lange先生是個「追妞高手」,而這其中和他是「禁酒主義者 ( Teetotalism )」,Shania是「素食主義者 ( Vegetarianism )」,或許有些相投的關係。2001,倆人育有一子。2008,倆人分居,原因是Lange和Shania的好友兼助理Marie Anne發生了不倫,且竟然是由Marie Anne的先生Frederic Thiebaud首先發現並告知Shania。2010,Shania與Lange離婚,而更令人意想不到的是,次年 ( 2011) Shania與Marie Anne的前夫Thiebaud結婚 ( 據說是Shania遭逢背叛後難以釋懷,Thiebaud經常予以安慰疏導而致雙方產生戀情。)。至於Lange先生據聞目前也仍與Marie Anne在一起。以實際的結果來論,這是鮮見的「配偶互換」。



背叛好友的Marie Anne (右)

從歌曲的音樂、節奏及末段歌詞,可以看出這是針對「跳舞俱樂部」或是「鄉村舞會」所設計的一首跳舞歌曲。歌詞內容則是描述「理想中的男人」:不僅要能容忍 ( 遲到、善變 ),還要會迎合說好聽的 ( 變醜、變胖,甚至將菜煮焦 ),另外還要有情趣會挑逗、緊擁且是令人愉悅的,外型更是要有心跳加速、令人屏息、山搖地動之感。呵呵,看來符合這些條件的男人,大概只能「到月球上去找」吧!



This is what a woman wants

Any man of mine better be proud of me
Even when I'm ugly, he still better love me
And I can be late for a date that's fine
But he better be on time

Any man of mine'll say it fits just right
When last year's dress is just a little too tight
And anything I do or say better be okay
When I have a bad hair day

And if I change my mind
A million times
I want to hear him say
Yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeah, I like it that way

Any man of mine better walk the line
Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time
I need a man who knows, how the story goes
He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'
Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind
Any man of mine

Well any man of mine better disagree
When I say another woman's lookin' better than me
And when I cook him dinner and I burn it black
He better say, mm, I like it like that, yeah

And if I change my mind
A million times
I want to hear him say
Yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeah I like it that way

Any man of mine better walk the line
Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time
I need a man who knows, how the story goes
He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'
Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind
Any man of mine, woo

Let me hear you say yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah)
Yeah, I like it that way

(Any man, any man, any man) any man of mine better walk the line
Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time
I need a man who knows, how the story goes
He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'
Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind
Any man of mine

Ooh, ah
Ooh, ah

You gotta shimmy shake
Make the earth quake
Kick, turn, stomp, stomp, then you jump
Heel to toe, do si do
'Til your boots want to break
'Til your feet and your back ache
Keep it movin' 'til you just can't take anymore
Come on everybody on the floor
One two, a-three four
Hup, two, hup, woo
If you want to be a man of mine, that's right, woo
This is what a woman wants

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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