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老歌亂談(1098)Knockin' on Your Screen Door

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美國鄉村民謠歌手兼詞曲作家John Prine於2018發行了他的第18張錄音室專輯《The Tree of Forgiveness》,成績亮眼,不僅得到樂評們的佳評,在告示牌民謠及鄉村專輯分別獲得第1、2名,此首《Knockin' on Your Screen Door》即收錄在此專輯中。而遺憾的是,此專輯也是John Prine生前的最後一張專輯。

Prine被廣泛認為是在他的年代具有重大影響的詞曲作家之一,2017被權威音樂雜誌「滾石」譽為「作曲界的馬克吐溫 ( Mark Twain )」
Prine以關於愛情、生活及時事的幽默歌詞、以及帶有社會批判的嚴肅歌曲和有時會讓人想起他生活中的憂鬱故事而聞名。依據諾貝爾文學獎得主Bob Dylan的說法,Prine寫的素材是「純粹的Proustion 存在主義」 ( Proustion為法國「意識流」作家,其最知名的作品為《追憶似水年華》,而存在主義的先驅人物為尼采與齊克果,不知兩者何關?),在美國中西部的心靈之旅也達到了極度 (nth degree),同時他寫出如此動人、美好的歌曲……,像在《Sam Stone》中退伍軍人毒品癮君子的爸爸,在《Donald and Lydia》中他們在10哩以外的地方做愛 ( 按:其實是幻想自慰 ),這些除了Prine,沒有別人寫得出來。

1998,Prine的右頸部罹患了「鱗狀細胞癌」,手術和化療後經過一年的調養和言語復健,雖然仍可唱歌,但聲音變得沙啞。2013,再接受左肺癌細胞切除手術,藉由不尋常的鍛鍊體力 ( 在家跑樓梯 ),半年後再次巡迴演出。2020,Prine才又獲得一座「終身成就」的葛萊美獎 ( 包含身後2座,共計5座 ),卻因不敵COVID-19病毒所引起的併發症而過世,享年73歲。

這是一首快節奏的民歌,從一個孤獨、貧窮的人的角度傳達了悲觀的信息,他唯一的財產是鄉村歌手 George Jones 的 8 軌磁帶 ( 卡匣式錄音帶?)。

I ain't got nobody hangin' 'round my doorstep
Ain't got no loose change just a-hangin' 'round my jeans
If you see somebody, would you send em' over my way?
I could use some help here with a can of pork and beans

I once had a family but they up and left me
With nothing but an 8-track, another side of George Jones
I was in high cotton, just a-bangin' on my six-string
A-kickin' at the trash can, walkin' skin and bone

I can see your back porch if I close my eyes now
I can hear the train tracks through the laundry on the line
I'm thinking it's your business, but you don't got to answer
I'm knocking on your screen door in the summertime

Everybody's out there climbin' on the trees now
Swingin' in the breeze now, hangin' on the vine
I'm dreamin' 'bout a sailboat, I don't need a fur coat
Underneath the dashboard got some sweet potato wine

I can see your back porch if I close my eyes now
I can hear the train tracks through the laundry on the line
I'm thinking it's your business, but you don't got to answer
I'm knocking on your screen door in the summertime
I'm knocking on your screen door in the summertime

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1099)C'mon Everybody
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