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老歌亂談(1089)Helping Me Get Over You

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此曲為美國鄉村男歌手Travis Tritt與女歌手Lari White合寫及錄製,收錄在Travis 1996專輯《The Restless Kind》中,單曲於1997發行,獲得告示牌鄉村榜的第18名,並在同年獲得鄉村音樂影帶 / 電視表演獎的提名。

的確,這首歌曲的音樂影帶拍的頗有意境,男主角發現對方時的「眼睛一亮」,女主角的眼神則是盼著對方速來搭訕,結果卻是無緣「擦身而過」。未料到的是在派對中再次相遇,雙方就有些矜持不住了。由於音樂影帶的內容精彩,使得忽略了歌曲本身。其實歌曲述說的是情侶間出現了問題,只是勉強的在維持著,當有了新的對象,便堅定了離開 / 忘記對方的決心,但這種「騎著馬找馬」的心態行為,是有些「不道德」的。

女主角Lari White在音樂影帶中的都會時尚婦女造型 ( 駕駛寶馬? ) 頗為亮眼,能獲得這類女性的主動青睞,那真的可說是「豔福高照」。而在現實生活中,Lari White卻是「紅顏薄命」,在2018因「原發性腹膜癌」過世,才享年52歲,遺有歌曲作家的先生和三名子女。



You ask who's laying in my bed
Is it really love we're making
Well my heart's hanging by a thread
She's the only reason it ain't breaking
Do you ever cross my mind?
Darling, fact is you still do
That's the reason she is here
Wiping your old memory clear
She's helping me get over you
Helping me get over you
One kiss at a time
'Cause all the pain that we've been through
Still weighs so heavy on my mind
Getting pass the love we lost
That's a lonely bridge to cross
Oh I did what I had to do
I had to find somebody new
Who's helping me get over you
I know you've never ask his name
But in your heart I know you wonder
I'm not much good at playing games
I'm just trying to keep from going under
There's no forever in his eyes
It's not the love that we once knew
Oh and it might be a sin but tonight I've got a friend
Helping me get over you
Helping me get over you
One kiss at a time
'Cause all the pain that we've been through
Still weighs so heavy on my mind
Getting pass the love we lost
That's a lonely bridge to cross
So I did what I had to do
I had to find somebody new
Who's helping me get over you
I did the best that I could do
I had to find somebody new
To help me get over you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1090)Stuck in the Middle with You
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1088)Hickory Wind

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