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2016-05-21 19:58:48| 人氣2,363| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(579)Sweet Nothin's

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此曲為Ronnie Self所作,這位老兄本身也是位歌手,但個人的演唱事業並不成功,卻在寫歌方面頗具天份。除了這首《Sweet Nothin's》,Brenda Lee最具知名的代表作《I'm Sorry》,亦為出自其手。可惜Ronnie Self的音樂事業被嚴重的酗酒及難自控的暴力行為所害,最後只享壽43歲。

Brenda Lee是由童星起家,由於個子小,演唱時還需腳墊木箱才能夠得到麥克風 ( 長大後也才約145公分 )。此首《Sweet Nothin's》於1959推出後,獲得告示牌熱門榜第4名。而更重要的是,此曲也是Brenda Lee首度打入英國排行榜的歌曲 ( 同樣為 No. 4 ),也因此使得她晉身為「國際級」的歌星。

Sweet Nothings的解釋是「romantic and loving talk」,翻成中文趨近於「甜言蜜語」( 或「情話綿綿」?)。歌曲的最後很有趣,女主角坐在屋子的前廊,大概是想等看男友是否會出現,結果她母親將前廊的燈關掉,並說:Come in darlin',that's enough for tonight。呵呵呵呵!^^

Uh huh, Honey

My baby whispers in my ear
Mmmm sweet nothin's
He knows the things I like to hear
Mmmm sweet nothin's
Things he wouldn't tell
Nobody else
Secret baby
I keep 'em to myself
Sweet nothin's
Mmmm sweet nothin's

We walk along hand in hand
Mmmm sweet nothin's
Yeah, we both understand
Mmmm sweet nothin's
Sittin' in the classroom trying to read my book
My baby give me that special look
Sweet nothin's
Mmmm sweet nothin's

Ah, sittin on my front porch
Mmmm sweet nothin's
Well, do I love you? Of course
Mmmm sweet nothin's
Mama turned on the front porch light
Sayin', "Come in darlin', that's enough for tonight"
Sweet nothins
Mmmm sweet nothin's
Sweet nothins
Mmmm sweet nothin's

Sweet nothins

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(580)It's A Heartache
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(578)Gentle On My Mind

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