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老歌亂談(417)How Do You Do

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這首《How Do You Do》是荷蘭雙人團體Mouth & MacNeal於1971所發行的單曲,在荷蘭、比利時、丹麥、瑞士及紐西蘭等國,均獲得排行榜的冠軍。雖然在美國只得到了第8名 ( 也是唯一進入美國排行榜的歌曲 ),但卻獲得了銷售超過百萬張的金唱片。

說來也滿有趣的,Mouth & MacNeal的倆人,原本都是獨唱的藝人,是一位唱片製作人Hans Van Hemert認為會有賣點而將倆人撮合在一起。果然,他們的首張單曲《Hey You Love》即獲得荷蘭排行榜的第5名,此首《How Do You Do》更將他們推上國際舞台,成為了國際知名的演唱團體。

1974年,Mouth & MacNeal代表荷蘭參加「歐洲歌唱大賽 ( Eurovison Song Contest )」,獲得第三名 ( 當年的冠軍是瑞典的ABBA合唱團,亞軍則是義大利的Gigliola Cinquetti )。而參賽的演唱曲《I see a Star》也頗為成功,獲得了英國排行榜的第8名。雖然如此,倆人卻在此曲發行不久之後拆夥。

Mouth之後和後來成為他妻子的歌手Ingrid Kup合作,是為Big Mouth & Little Eve。而MacNeal於1980年再代表荷蘭參加「歐洲歌唱大賽」,在19名參賽者中排名第5。

Once I said I wanted you
I don't remember why
I often wonder if it's true
That you could make me cry
I only know it's long ago
You said I love you too
But I got one solution that
We're gonna start anew
How do you do
Mm Mm
I thought
Wa-na Na-na Na-na
Just me and you
And then we can
Na-na Na-na
Just like before
And you will say
Na-na Na-na
Please give me more
And you will think
Na-na Na-na
Hey that's what I'm living for
How do you do
Uh huh
I thought
Why na Na-na
Just me and you
And then we can
Na-na Na-na
Just like before
And you will say
Na-na Na-na
Please give me more
And you will think
Na-na Na-na
Hey that's what I'm living for
Once I said I wanted you
And I remember why
I often wonder if it's true
You still can make me cry
And now it's not so long ago
You said I love you true
'Cause I had one solution left
And that's we start anew
How do you do
Uh huh
I thought
Wa-na Na-na
Just me and you
And then we can
Na-na Na-na
Just like before
And you will say
Na-na Na-na
Please give me more
And you will think
Na-na Na-na
Hey that's what I'm living for
How do you do
Uh huh
I thought
By na Na-na
Just me and you
And then we can
Na-na Na-na
Just like before
And you will say
Na-na Na-na
Please give me more
And you will think
Na-na Na-na
Hey that's what I'm living for
How do you do
Hey that's what I'm living for
How do you do
La-la La-la-la-la-la...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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