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老歌亂談(418)Hey Hey My My ( Into The Black )

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Neil Young,這位出身自加拿大的歌手,在他1979年推出的專輯《Rust Never Sleeps》中,作了兩首算是「雙胞胎」的歌曲:擺在第一首的是以不插電的空心吉他伴奏的《My My, Hey Hey ( Out of the Blue )》,以及最後一首以電吉他伴奏的《Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black )》,此兩首歌的歌詞和旋律幾乎都相同。

而後者與Crazy Horse ( Neil的配合樂隊 )一起演唱的這首《Hey Hey,My My (Into the Black )》,被歸類為grunge ← 有稱之為「垃圾搖滾」。而
Neil Young亦被冠稱為「垃圾搖滾教父 ( Godfather of Grunge )」。
垃圾搖滾:是隸屬於另類搖滾的音樂流派,起源於1980年代中期美國的華盛頓州,特別是西雅圖一帶。垃圾搖滾是硬蕊(Hardcore)龐克、重金屬與獨立搖滾的延伸,普遍使用猛烈的破音電吉他作演出,與歌曲力度、淡漠或滿斥憂慮的歌詞形成強烈對比。垃圾搖滾美學常被抽絲檢視、與其他搖滾音樂流派相比,許多垃圾搖滾音樂家亦被認為其作風不修邊幅、捨棄誇張不實之感。← 維基百科

這首歌詞中有一句:it's better to burn out than to fade away ( 有譯為:寧願燃燒殆盡也不茍且偷生 )。卻因被Nirvana樂團的主唱Kurt Cobain寫在自殺遺言中 ( 1994 / 27歲 ),而變得「惡名昭彰」。這對Neil Young來說自是相當的震驚,其本意只是要搖滾樂手堅持下去。之後Neil以其1994的專輯《Sleeps with Angels》來獻給Kurt。並在往後的現場演唱時,均會強調once you're gone you can't come back這句歌詞,而前句也改成了:It's better to burn out 'cause rust never sleeps。


Kurt Cobain

Hey hey, my my
Rock and roll can never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my.

Out of the blue and into the black
They give you this, but you pay for that
And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black.

The king is gone but he's not forgotten
Is this the story of Johnny Rotten?
It's better to burn out than to fade away
The king is gone but he's not forgotten.

Hey hey, my my
Rock and roll will never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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