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老歌亂談(1064)Junior's Farm

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1970,英國的披頭合唱團 ( The Beatles ) 解散,但團員仍各自在音樂的道路上前進。貝士手Paul McCartney於1971另組樂團Wings,而此首《Junior's Farm》即是Paul與Wings於1974推出的單曲,成績相當亮眼,在美國告示牌拿下第3名,在英國排行榜則是第16名。

此曲是在田納西州納許維爾的錄音室錄製的,錄製期間,樂團借住在當地Curly Putman Jr.的農場,這也是歌名的由來。Curly Putman Jr.也是位音樂人,他最為知名的是寫了非常暢銷流行、被許多歌手翻唱的《Green Green Grass of Home》,另首讓鄉村歌手George Jones歌唱生涯起死回生的《He Stopped Loving Her Today》,也是Curly Putman與人合寫的作品。McCartney等人住在農場期間,Curly Putman Jr.和老婆去了夏威夷渡假,待倆人回到農場走上車道時,McCartney和樂團演唱了《Green Green Grass of Home》來歡迎他們。

Green Green Grass of Curly Putman's Home

Wings at Farm

此曲的作者由McCartney和太太Linda共同掛名。McCartney說,此首歌的主題是以Bob Dylan的《Maggie's Farm》為創作基礎,歌曲有關Junior均為虛擬的內容。相較於Dylan應用於歌曲的思考深度,《Junior's Farm》的一些用語則顯得有些「silly」,全曲的意思基本上就只是「Let's get out of the city」。有些人認為此曲與The Beatles之前的《Get Back》有點類似:Get back to where you once belonged。回到曾經屬於自己的 ( 純樸 ) 地方吧!



Oh, you should have seen me with the poker man
I had no money and I bet a grand
Just in the nick of time I looked at his hand
I was talking to an Eskimo
Said he was hoping for a fall of snow
When up popped a sea lion ready to go
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
Down to Junior's farm where I wanna lay low
Low life, high life, oh, let's go
Take me down to Junior's farm
Take me down, Jimmy
At the Houses of Parliament
Ev'rybody's talking 'bout the President
We all chipped in for a bag of cement
Olly Hardy should have had more sense
He bought a gee-gee and he jumped the fence
All for the sake of a couple of pence
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
Down to Junior's farm where I wanna lay low
Low life, high life, oh, let's go
Take me down to Junior's farm
Let's go, let's go
Down to Junior's farm where I wanna lay low
Low life, high life, oh, let's go
Take me down to Junior's farm
Everybody tag along
I took my bag into a grocer's store
The price is higher than the time before
Old man asked me why is it more
I said, You should have seen me with the poker man
I had no money and I bet a grand
Just in the nick of time I looked at his hand
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
Down to Junior's farm where I wanna lay low (down to Junior's farm)
Low life, high life, oh, let's go
Take me down to Junior's farm (down to Junior's farm)
Let's go, let's go
Down to Junior's farm where I wanna lay low
Low life, high life, oh, let's go
Take me down to Junior's farm (down to Junior's farm)
Everybody tag along (oughta tag along)
Take me down to Junior's farm
Right now
Take me back
Take me back
I wanna go back
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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