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老歌亂談(1015)Already Gone

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此曲為同是鄉村歌手的Jack Tempchin與Robb Strandlund所合寫,而Jack Tempchin是老鷹合唱團的老大Glenn Frey的朋友,之前曾提供過一首《Peaceful Easy Feeling》給Frey,成績不錯,打進排行榜獲得第22名。此次Tempchin將此首《Already Gone》郵寄給Frey,此時的Frey才剛離斷了一段關係 ( 與唱片製作人?),而此曲的內容為關於男女分手,卻仍能「自立自強」,或許對Frey別具意義。而此曲也是Eagles少數非自行創作的歌曲之一。

Glenn Frey & Jack Tempchin

此曲收錄在Eagles 1974的專輯《On the Border》中,單曲的成績也不差,獲得熱門榜的第32名。之後,此曲被列為Eagles現場演唱的曲目之一,也被收錄在另兩張的複合專輯中。有樂評認為此曲是不折不扣經典的搖滾,音樂聽來像是「噴射燃料的狂歡會」,而旋律則像是《Peaceful Easy Feeling》與《Take It Easy》兩首歌的回聲。

此曲使用雙主奏吉他彈奏 ( 之後的《Hotel California》也是 ),當時Don Felder才剛進樂團,看現場影音 ( 穿白T恤、彈Les Paul的那一位 ),的確是琴藝精湛,卻也造成原主奏吉他手Bernie Leadon( 爆炸頭、藍T恤 ) 的心結,認為是要來取代他的,也終於在次年(1975)離開了Eagles。

亂談(883)Peaceful Easy Feeling



Well, I heard some people talkin' just the other day
And they said you were gonna put me on a shelf
But let me tell you I got some news for you
And you'll soon find out it's true
And then you'll have to eat your lunch all by yourself
'Cause I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song
Woo hoo hoo, my my, woo hoo hoo
The letter that you wrote me made me stop and wonder why
But I guess you felt like you had to set things right
Just remember this, my girl, when you look up in the sky
You can see the stars and still not see the light (that's right)
And I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song
Woo hoo hoo, my my, woo hoo hoo
Well, I know it wasn't you who held me down
Heaven knows it wasn't you who set me free
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key
But me, I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song
'Cause I'm already gone
Yes, I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song
'Cause I'm already gone
Yes, I'm already gone
Already gone
All right, nighty-night
Already gone

台長: 流浪阿狗
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