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此曲為澳洲樂團Bee Gees的Barry、Robin及Maurice Gibb三兄弟所合寫,卻難得的是首次由Barry一個人獨唱。單曲於1968發行,在德國、加拿大、瑞士及荷蘭等國排行榜均奪得冠軍,在原居的英國也打進前十 ( # 8 ),美國告示牌則是第15名。

Barry、Robin及Maurice Gibb三兄弟(左至右)

依據Robin Gibb的說法,會寫此曲是由於情緒的反映,當時Barry與人發生了一些爭執,而他之前也有類似的情況。其實所爭執的原委根本也沒什麼,反而是因為「話語」上的問題。故此曲所想闡述的是,話語會令人感到快樂或是難過。

Bee Gees由60年代後期自70年代初,真是好歌連連,像是《To Love Somebody》、《Massachesetts》、《I Start a Joke》、《Don't Forget to Remember》……等等,而之後轉變走Disco舞曲風格。兩位雙胞胎的弟弟Maurice和Robin分別在2003(53歲)、2012(62歲)過世,如今Bee Gees只剩下大哥Barry Gibb孤單一人。

翻唱此曲的知名歌手包含有貓王Elvis Presley、Rita Coolidge ( 1978 / UK #25 )及愛爾蘭樂團「男孩特區 ( Boyzone ) / 1996 / UK # 1」。

亂談(97) To Love Somebody / Bee Gees

亂談(803)We're All Alone / Rita Coolidge



Smile an everlasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me
Don't ever let me find you down
'Cause that would bring a tear to me
This world has lost its glory
Let's start a brand new story now, my love
Right now, there'll be no other time
And I can show you how, my love
Talk in everlasting words
And dedicate them all to me
And I will give you all my life
I'm here if you should call to me
You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away
You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away

台長: 流浪阿狗
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