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老歌亂談(1037)I've Got a Feeling

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此首《I've Got a Feeling》為英國披頭合唱團於1970解散前,所發行最後一張專輯《Let It Be》中的歌曲,錄製的時間為1969年初的「The Beatles' rooftop concert」,由於演唱的聲音過大,還被警方要求調小音量,也是披頭最後一場的戶外表演。

此曲其實是兩首未完成的曲子合併而來:Paul McCartney的《I've Got a Feeling》及Johy Lennon的《Everybody Had a Hard Year》。有趣的是,McCartney的歌詞部份是較為樂觀的 ( 有可能是要向當時尚未成為妻子的女友Linda示愛 ),而Lennon還真的是遭逢了生活上的許多「艱困」,像是和妻子Cynthia紛擾的離婚、新對象Yoko Ono ( 小野洋子 ) 的流產、和藥物成癮的「戰鬥」、持有毒品被逮捕、與兒子Julian的關係疏離以及覺得待在The Beatles非常的不快樂等。Lennon的歌詞原為Everyone,後改為Everybody,唯頗難體會兩者的差異 (
Everybody較口語化?)。又因其中有「wet dream ( 夢遺?)」,有人認為該段描述跟「情色」有關。

Paul & Linda

John &

John & Yoko

此曲有眾多個版本,包含有在錄音室、屋頂演唱會、以及2003由唱片商重新組合混音 ( 收錄於《Let It Be…Naked》專輯中 )等。此曲本是首好歌,或許當時的Lennon已有些心不在焉,除以下所貼之組合版,其他版本後段的強度感覺差了些,甚至是匆匆結束,整首歌的音效音質也不如其他的作品,而即便如此,還是有許多喜歡此曲的翻唱者。順帶一提,「屋頂演唱會」有位負責彈電子琴的非裔樂手Billy Preston,John Lennon非常的欣賞他,倘若The Beatles當時未解散的話,這位黑人老兄很可能會成為Beatles的第5位團員。

Billy Preston (左下) 與Beatles在錄音室練唱。

I've got a feeling, a feeling deep inside
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
I've got a feeling, a feeling I can't hide
Oh no, oh no, oh no.
Yeah, I've got a feeling.
Oh please believe me, I'd hate to miss the train
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
And if you leave me I won't be late again
Oh no, oh no, oh no.
Yeah, I've got a feeling, yeah.
All these years I've been wandering around,
Wondering how come nobody told me
All that I was looking for was somebody
Who looked like you.
I've got a feeling, that keeps me on my toes
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
I've got a feeling, I think that everybody knows
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I've got a feeling, yeah.
Ev'rybody had a hard year
Ev'rybody had a good time
Ev'rybody had a wet dream,
Ev'rybody saw the sunshine
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Ev'rybody had a good year,
Ev'rybody let their hair down,
Ev'rybody pulled their socks up,
Ev'rybody put their foot down.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Yeah I've got a feeling
A feeling deep inside
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
I've got a feeling, a feeling I can't hide
Oh no
Oh no no no
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I've got a feeling
I've got a feeling

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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