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2015-12-29 06:37:10| 人氣7,022| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(524)Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

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就如同披頭合唱團的John Lennon和Paul McCartney,Elton John也有一位長期合作創作歌曲的夥伴Bernie Taupin。而通常都是由Bernie Taupin先寫出歌詞,再由Elton John完成譜曲,但此首《Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word》卻是Elton John某日坐在鋼琴上隨意彈奏,而先有歌曲旋律的突來之作。

Elton John (左) and lyricist Bernie Taupin in 1969 in London.

此曲於1976同時以專輯及單曲發行,也是在Elton John自己所擁有的The Rocket 唱片公司下所發行的第二首單曲。歌曲的成績亮眼,除了在英國排行榜拿下了第11名,在美國則是第6,1977更獲頒銷售百萬的金唱片。

這是一首哀傷的歌,講的是一段愛情的崩解。其實開口向情人道歉並沒這麼困難,只若是遇到對方分手的心意已決,說再多的抱歉恐怕也沒用吧!此曲除出現在1977由保羅紐曼 ( Paul Newman ) 主演的電影《Slap Shot》 ( 台譯:火爆群龍 ) 中,英國合唱團Blue在2002推出和Elton John的合唱版;另,台灣的蕭敬騰也翻唱過這首歌。

What have I got to do to make you love me?
What have I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And to wake to find that you're not there

What do I do to make you want me?
What have I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
And sorry seems to be the hardest word

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd

It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh, it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd

It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh, it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word

What do I do to make you love me?
What have I got to do to be heard?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
What have I got to do?
What have I got to do?
When sorry seems to be the hardest word

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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