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老歌亂談(1164) Our Lips Are Sealed

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美國全女子搖滾樂團The Go-Go's於1978成立於洛杉磯,至1981年中推出首張專輯《Beauty and the Beat》,此專輯在告示牌專輯榜一路攀升,至終登上了冠軍寶座,唱片賣出超過2百萬張 ( 雙白金 ),The Go-Go's當然也一炮而紅。

此首《Our Lips Are Sealed》為樂團的吉他手Jane Wiedlin與另位英國歌手Terry Hall所合寫 ( 依據Wiedlin的說法,1980,Go-Go's在英國巡演,當時Hall雖有和其他的女生交往,但倆人仍有短暫的戀情。回美國後Hall仍寄了些歌詞給她,導致他們共同創作了這首歌 ),此曲作為專輯的第一首歌曲,單曲奪下告示牌的第20名,自是功不可沒。

Jane Wiedlin

不過,The Go-Go's最著名的招牌歌卻是同張專題反面第一首的《We Got the Beat》,由樂團的吉他手兼鍵盤手Charlotte Caffey所作,單曲獲告示牌熱門榜第2名,也是該團歷來所發行的單曲成績最佳者。

Charlotte Caffey

The Go-Go's於1985解散,之後仍有短暫的復合(1990、1994),1999樂團再合體開始巡演,2010宣稱開始「告別巡演」,但因Wiedlin臨時膝蓋受傷,需開刀休養約一年的時間,之後,「告別巡演」的想法被放棄,該樂團目前仍有在活動。


【 Our Lips Are Sealed 】

Can you hear them?
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well, that's no surprise
Can you see them?
See right through them
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal
Doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Hey, hey, hey
Our lips are sealed
There's a weapon
That we must use
In our defense
When you look at them
Look right through them
That's when they'll disappear
That's when we'll be feared
It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Hey, hey, hey
Our lips are sealed
Pay no mind to what they say
It doesn't matter anyway
Hey, hey, hey
Our lips are sealed
Hush, my darling
Don't you cry
Quiet angel
Forget their lies
Can you hear them?
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well, that's no surprise
Can you see them?
See right through them
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal
Doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Hey, hey, hey
Our lips are sealed
Pay no mind to what they say
It doesn't matter anyway
Hey, hey, hey
Our lips are sealed
Our lips are sealed
Oh, our lips are sealed

【We Got The Beat】

See the people walking down the street
Fall in line just watching all their feet
They don't know where they want to go
But they're walking in time

They got the beat
They got the beat
They got the beat
Yeah, they got the beat

All the kids just getting out of school
They can't wait to hang out and be cool
Hang around 'til quarter after twelve
That's when they fall in line

They got the beat
They got the beat
Kids got the beat
Yeah, kids got the beat

Go-go music really makes us dance
Doing the pony puts us in a trance
The Watusi, just give us a chance
That's when we fall in line

'Cause we got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat
Yeah, we got it!

We got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat
Everybody get on your feet
We got the beat
We know you can dance to the beat
We got the beat
Jump back, get down
We got the beat
Round and round and round

We got the beat

台長: 流浪阿狗
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