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老歌亂談(1019)Color of the Blues

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手George Jones與他人所合寫,並在1958年初由自己發行單曲。Jones於1954出道,之前曾有3首歌打進排行榜前10名,算是才剛開始有些知名度,此曲的成績也還不差,獲得第7名。Jones在2006接受訪談時提到,說此曲雖然沒什麼大賣,卻獲得電台許多的播放,意思是也算滿意了。

歌曲敘說的是男子因被女友拋棄而在自憐自艾,其中對方寄給他的信是用藍色墨水寫在藍色信紙上,而最讓人印象深刻的則是這一句:Yes, blue must be the color of the blues ( 是的,藍色一定是憂鬱的顏色 )。此處的Blues似不宜譯成「藍調」

翻唱此曲的知名歌手眾多,包含有Skeeter Davis、Loretta Lynn、Patty Loveless等,以下所貼是男歌手John Prine翻唱的版本,其中女歌手Susan Tedeschi客串合唱。1998,Prine的右頸部確診患了squamous cell carcinoma ( 鱗狀細胞癌 ),在手術及化療後損傷了口腔內的神經細胞,在矯正復健後,聲音變得較為沙啞。Prine曾兩度獲得葛萊美獎的殊榮,另在今年(2020)年初又獲得葛萊美「終身成就獎」,卻不幸在4月因感染新冠肺炎COVID-19致併發症而辭世,享年73歲。

John Prine

Susan Tedeschi

同場加映:藍調女歌手Susan Tedeschi ( 1970─ )和靈魂女歌手Sharon Jones ( 1956─2016 ) 翻唱Sam Cooke 1962的《Bring It On Home To Me》,影音中綁馬尾、蓄鬍、戴指套彈滑音的吉他手是Susan Tedeschi 的先生Derek Trucks,倆人合組的樂團名為Tedschi Trucks Band。

亂談(338) 《Bring It On Home To Me》 /  The Animals



Up above me are the skies like the twinkle in your eyes
These things are the colors of the blues
In the mail your letter came the ink and paper looked the same
Blue must be the color of the blues
Bluebird's singing in the trees seems to sympathize with me
But he ain't singing like he used to do
The pearly waters in the sea are as cold as you left me
Blue must be the color of the blues
There's a rainbow overhead with more blue than gold and red
Blue must be the color angels choose
A blue suit you proudly wore when you left to return no more
Blue must be the color of the blues
Blue days come and blue days go how I feel nobody knows
Life is mighty empty without you
There's a blue note in each song that I sang since you've been gone
Blue must be the color of the blues

台長: 流浪阿狗
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