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2013-06-02 21:09:04| 人氣1,796| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(111)Sweet Inspiration

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The Sweet Inspirations(甜美靈感?)原為合音團體,曾替許多知名歌星如之前介紹過的Wilson Pickett等合音助唱。幾經更迭之後,1965年團員陣容終於底定,並加入了Atlantic唱片公司的錄音團隊。

1967她們首次為自己錄了兩首單曲,推出後成績不惡。1968再推出樂團同名歌曲《Sweet Inspiration》,獲熱門榜第十八名及靈魂單曲第五名。同時此曲也受到了貓王Elvies Presley的注意,貓王在睽違觀眾超過八年,於1969重返Vegas舞台現場表演時,選擇了The Sweet Inspirations擔任合音及開場表演。並且從19691977The SweetInspirations一直都是貓王的合音團體。

除了受到貓王的賞識,The Sweet Inspirations擔任主唱的Emily CissyHouston,也是大有來頭,她是Whitney Houston(惠妮休斯頓)的母親。在Whitney Houston大紅大紫之後,她的母親 及The SweetInspirations,當然也是跟著水漲船高。

另貼一首她們1969翻唱William Bell的《EveryDay Will Be Like A Holiday》。嗯,這種靈魂藍調的歌曲是我喜歡的菜。聽黑人歌手唱歌,無論是高音或低音,那種游刃有餘的感覺,聽起來真的是很過癮。 


I need your sweet inspiration
I need you here on my mind
Every hour of the day
Without your sweet inspiration
The lonely hours of the night just don't go my way

A woman in love needs sweet inspiration
And honey that's all I ask, you know that's all I ask from you
I gotta have your sweet inspiration
You know there just aint no telling what a satisfied woman might do

When you call me baby, baby
It's such a sweet inspiration
The way you call me darling, darling, darling
Sets my heart to skating

And if I'm out in the rain baby
And in a bad situation
Oh I just reach back in my mind
And there I find your inspiration

Oh what a power
And I've got the power
Every hour of the day
I need your sweet inspiration
To go on living, to keep on giving this way

I need your
Sweet inspiration
Sweet sweet inspiration

Sweet inspiration
Sweet sweet inspiration


Everyday will be like a holiday
When my baby, when my baby comes home

Now he's been gone
for such a long time
ever since he's been gone,
he been on my mind

I got a letter today,
just about noon
he said, "Don't worry baby, I'll be home soon"

Everyday will be like a holiday
When my baby, when my baby comes home

He said not to worry
about sitting by the phone
soon I'll be home baby
you'll never be alone

i expect to see him, sometime today
I know my baby
he'll never go away

Everyday will be like a holiday
When my baby, when my baby comes home

Everyday will be like a holiday
When my baby, when my baby comes home

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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