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老歌亂談(798)Crying In The Chapel

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此首《Crying In The Chapel》是作曲家Artie Glenn寫給他的兒子Darrell唱的,而Darrell在錄唱此曲時也才是高中的年紀。此曲曾被兩家唱片公司打了回票,最後是由出版商Valley於1953發行,在錢櫃及告示牌排行榜分別拿下第1及第6名。當年翻唱此曲的幾位歌手,在西部鄉村榜的成績也都不差 ( Rex Allen #8 / Ella Fitzgerald #15 / Art Lund #23 )。而成績最好的是美國女歌手June Valli,她的流行版在1953進入告示牌17週,最高達到了第4名。

Darrell Glenn

貓王Elvis Presley於1960錄製他的福音歌曲專輯《His Hand in Mine》期間,也同時錄唱了此曲,但唱片公司 ( RCA Victor ) 並未將此曲納入,檯面上的說法是RCA對所錄的版本並不十分滿意,而真正的原因應該是對發行權利金的問題,和貓王的經紀人Colonel Parker喬不攏 ( Parker應有先去找此曲的版權擁有者Valley Publisher洽商過 )。此曲延宕至1965才另以單曲發行 ( 並未重錄 ),在告示牌熱門榜獲得了第3名,另在易聽網及英國排行榜均奪得冠軍。這是貓王自1963以來第一首入榜前3名好成績的歌曲,對他而言,不啻是打了一劑強心針。事實上不只如此,此曲前後替貓王撐了6年,因直到1969才又有冠軍曲《Suspicious Mind》的出現。


You saw me crying in the chapel.
The tears I shed were tears of joy
I know the meaning of contentment
Now I am happy with the Lord

Just a plain and simple chapel
Where humble people go to pray
I pray the Lord that I'll grow stronger
As I live from day to day

I've searched and I've searched
But I couldn't find
No way on earth
To gain peace of mind

Now I'm happy in the chapel
Where people are of one accord
We gather in the chapel
Just to sing and praise the Lord

Ev'ry sinner looks for something
That will put his heart at ease
There is only one true answer
He must get down on his knees

Meet your neighbor in the chapel
Join with him in tears of joy
You'll know the meaning of contentment
Then you'll be happy with the Lord

You'll search and you'll search
But you'll never find
No way on earth
To gain peace of mind

Take your troubles to the chapel
Get down on your knees and pray
Your burdens will be lighter
And you'll surely find the way

台長: 流浪阿狗
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peter cheng
在日本還有一位歌手Emy Jackson,以GS方式翻唱此曲. 當時日本流行音樂受到Beatles,Ventures等西洋樂團的影響,有所謂GS(Group Sounds)的音樂.所以她唱得輕輕鬆鬆,不像貓王唱得那麼虔誠.
2018-02-02 22:45:51
看Emy Jackson 1966的同名專輯曲目,的確有《Crying in the Chapel》這首,但YouTube上似乎沒人上傳。聽她也是翻唱快板的《Pretend》,大概可以想像你說的感覺。

現在再聽Emy的歌,覺得她的歌喉好像也不怎麼樣,有點像是小女生的唱法,她唱的《Little White Clouds That Cried》,就有Sue Thompson的Fu。《Crying In A Storm》之會大紅,其中編曲和樂隊的演奏應該也立了大功吧!
2018-02-03 08:51:42
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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