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2013-05-31 17:47:12| 人氣2,080| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(110)Poor Side Of Town

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有些老歌手,雖然已唱了幾十年,但還是打死不退。Johnny Rivers強尼瑞佛斯)就是這樣的一個傢伙,已經高齡七十歲了,還不願意離開歌唱舞台。其實該不該繼續唱,市場自會作決定,若是沒有觀眾捧場,就算想唱也會唱不下去吧。


1942年出生的Johnny Rivers出道甚早,但直到六O年代中、後期由於一連幾首熱門歌曲,包含1966冠軍曲《Poor Side Of Town》、《Summer Rain》及《Secret Agent Man》,才讓他獲致重大的成功。


之前我聽這首《Poor Side Of Town》是香港合唱團「Teddy Robin & The Playboys」(泰迪羅賓和花花公子)翻唱的版本,兩相對照,泰迪其實唱得也很不錯。下面貼的應該是Johnny Rivers2000年之後的節目演唱版,雖然有些失真,但我覺得唱的也相當有味道,不輸原版。而且對以前沒聽過此歌的人來說,其實也沒有差。哈哈哈!

原貼遭刪除,2019/06/17 重貼

Do-doo-doo-wah shoo-be-doo-be
Do-doo-doo-wah shoo-be-doo-be

How can you tell me how much you miss me
When the last time I saw you, you wouldn't even kiss me
That rich guy you've been seein'
Must have put you down
So welcome back baby
To the poor side of town

To him you were nothin' but a little plaything
Not much more than an overnight fling
To me you were the greatest thing this boy had ever found
And girl it's hard to find nice things
On the poor side of town

I can't blame you for tryin'
I'm tryin' to make it too
I've got one little hang up baby
I just can't make it without you

So tell me, are you gonna stay now
Will you stand by me girl all the way now
With you by my side
They can't keep us down
Together we can make it baby
From the poor side of town

(So tell me how much you love me)
(Come be near to me and say you need me now)

Oh, with you by my side
This world can't keep us down
Together we can make it baby
From the poor side of town

Do-doo-doo-wah shoo-be-doo-be
Do-doo-doo-wah shoo-be-doo-be
Do-doo-doo-wah shoo-be-doo-be

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(111)Sweet Inspiration
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(109) I'm A Fool

2013-06-01 06:53:47

下次再來貼他的《Summer Rain》,也不錯聽。
2013-06-20 08:01:09
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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