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老歌亂談(188)Soul Deep

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The Box Tops ( 箱頂合唱團 )共有三首較為知名的歌曲,其中《The Letter》和《Cry Like a Baby》之前已分別在亂談91和177介紹過了。另外1969 的這首《Soul Deep》,在排行榜的名次雖然不及前兩首 ( Cashbox #13,UK #22 ),但我個人卻覺得是難分軒輊,甚至這首還要更為對味一些。

The Box Tops的曲風摻合了靈魂和輕搖滾,而被認為是「Blue-Eyed Soul Group」,意為唱靈魂歌曲的白人樂團。而自1970之後,即再無進榜歌曲,也終導致樂團於1974解散,各奔前程。




Darlin' I don't know much
I know I love you so much
A lot depends on your touch
My love is a river running soul deep
A way down inside me it's a soul deep
Too big to hide, can't be denied
Love is a river running soul deep

I worked myself to euphoria
Just to show I adore ya
There's nothing I wouldn't do for ya
Cause my love is a river running soul deep
A way down inside me it's a soul deep
Too big to hide, can't be denied
Love is a river running soul deep

All I ever, ever hoped to be
Depends on your love for me
If you believe me, if you should leave me
I'd be nothing but a jilted male
I know darned well, I could tell, but

I don't know much
I know I love you so much
A lot depends on your touch
My love is a river running soul deep
A way down inside me it's a soul deep
Too big to hide, can't be denied
Love is a river running soul deep
My love is a river running soul deep
A way down inside me it's a soul deep
My love is a river running soul deep
A way down inside me it's a soul deep
My love is a river running soul deep
A way down inside me it's a soul deep

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(187)Seasons in the Sun

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