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老歌亂談(146)My Prayer

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談到西洋老歌,絕對少不了The Platters (俗稱五黑寶合唱團) 的《Only You》、《The Great Pretender》及《Smoke Get In Your Eyes》等幾首經典名曲。


這個成立於1953的合唱團體,初期也經過幾次團員更迭,我認為是在主唱Tony Williams加入之後,才使得這個團體大有起色 ( 當然是因為他唱得好),並成為在搖滾樂早期最成功的合唱團體。從19551967,他們總共有40首單曲進入告示牌排行榜百大,其中也包含了四首冠軍歌曲。


上面介紹的三首歌,前兩首我真的是有點聽到「爛」了而第三首又不是菜,所以來介紹他們1956的另一首冠軍曲《My Prayer》。很奇怪,每次我聽完這首歌,都會覺得心靈像被洗滌了一次。哈哈,可能是我平時雜念太多,太需要祈禱了。 


When the twilight is gone and no songbirds are singing
When the twilight is gone you come into my heart
And here in my heart you will stay, while I pray


My prayer is to linger with you
At the end of the day in a dream that's divine
My prayer is a rapture in blue
With the world far away and your lips close to mine


Tonight while our hearts are aglow
Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know


My prayer and the answer you give
May they still be the same for as long as we live
That you'll always be there at the end of my prayer

台長: 流浪阿狗
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