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2017-09-11 15:18:45| 人氣2,566| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(751)It's You

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此首《It's You》為美國歌手Bob Seger於1986發行的專輯《Like a Rock》中的歌曲,單曲的成績還差強人意,在告示牌Mainstream Rock Tracks (#8)、Adult Contemporary (#22) 以及Hot 100 (#52)。

出生於1945的Bob Seger除了本身有多首熱門曲像是《Against the Wind》、《Like a Rock》等外,經常被提起的是曾參與老鷹合唱團 ( Eagles ) 1979的冠軍曲《Heartache Tonight》的共同寫作 ( Seger與Eagles的老大Glenn Frey在年輕時即熟識 ),這對他的才華與在歌壇的地位,多少也有些提昇作用。

Bob Seger自60年代初開始闖蕩歌壇,於今仍在演唱。2004獲引薦進入「搖滾名人堂」以及2014進入「歌曲作家名人堂」。

Just about the time I think I've had it
Everything I've planned has fallen through
Just about the time the whole thing's crumblin' in
And I can't hold back no matter what I do
And just about the time I feel like screamin'
And findin' me a wall to punch right through
I look up and I just can't help smilin'
It's you

You're the only reason I'm still here, girl
You're the only one who keeps me sane
Somethin' `bout the way you've learned to calm me down
And see me through the anger and the pain
And just about the time I'm standin' on the edge
And searchin' for a light to see me through
I look up and I can see it shinin'
It's you

I don't really claim to understand it
I just know the way you make me feel
No one has to tell me I'm a lucky man
No one has to tell me that it's real

And just about the time I think I've lost it
I'm lookin' for a hole to crawl into
I look up and I just can't believe it
It's you
It's you

I look up
And honey, it's you
Gettin' me through
Keepin' it new

台長: 流浪阿狗
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