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老歌亂談(980)A Little Bit is Better Than Nada

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此曲為Texas Tornados樂團的靈魂人物且身兼主唱的Doug Sahm所寫,1996由樂團錄製發行。1997,此曲獲得葛萊美「最佳鄉村演唱組合」的提名,可惜未能得獎。此曲也作為1996電影《Tin Cup》( 台譯:千萬風情 ) 的插曲。

《Tin Cup》是一部高爾夫電影,男主角Kevin Coster ( 凱文‧科斯納 ) 飾演一位失志的高球選手,在家鄉開了一家高球練習場並擔任教練,而由於飾演高球心理醫生的女主角Rene Russo ( 蕾妮‧羅素 ) 來學打球,再加上Rene的男友為之前認識的高球高手 ( Don Johnson飾 ),為了擄獲美女心,Kevin又重燃鬥志回到球場比賽。電影最精彩處當然是比賽的最後一洞,Kevin在Rene的鼓勵下直攻果嶺,但球頻落水,直到球袋中的最後一顆球才成功,並戲劇化的直接進洞。如同Rene說的:別人不會記得你在這場比賽中獲得第幾名,但永遠會記得你在這一洞打出的12桿。至於在真實的比賽中,是否適合採取如此「積極」的打法,恐還得視比賽成績及現場情況來考量。但無可否認的,許多女生的確喜歡那種勇於嘗試、不計成敗,有「英雄氣概」的男子吧!

歌名中的「Nada」,在西班牙語的意思是「nothing」(?),故整句歌名的意思看起來像是「聊勝於無」。人生中並不能事事如願,退一步想,還是比較容易獲得快樂和滿足。( 另:歌詞中的enchilada為源自墨西哥的一種捲餅。)


亂談(673)Just One More




Met her in a border town
We proceeded to get down
She turned me on
I dropped the telephone

Moonlight hits the Rio Grande
And the touch of her hand
It makes me high
like the Fourth of July

The bad bandido came into town
But man, I'm gonna hunt that gringo down
But these words keep ringin' in my ear

A little bit is better than nada
Sometime you want the whole enchilada
A little bit is better than nada
A little bit or nothin' at all

Said Cancun was not her style
Turistas there, they drove her wild
The border's the place
Put on a brand new face

Me and the boys had just hit town
Shake 'em up and rode 'em down
I guess it was fate
I hope I wasn't too late

Bad, bad boys was on our trail
Federales want us all in jail
But these words keep ringin' in my ear

A little bit is better than nada
Sometime you want the whole enchilada
A little bit is better than nada
A little bit or nothin' at all

A little bit is better than nada
Sometime you want the whole enchilada
A little bit is better than nada
A little bit or nothin' at all

A little bit is better than nada
Sometime you want the whole enchilada
A little bit is better than nada
A little bit or nothin' at all

A little bit is better than nada
Sometime you want the whole enchilada
A little bit is better than nada
A little bit or nothin' at all

台長: 流浪阿狗
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