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老歌亂談(955)Don't Let The Old Man In

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前幾天,在HBO看了一部由Clint Eastwood ( 克林伊斯威特 ) 自導自演的影片《The Mule》( 台譯:賭命轉運手 ),Mule一般指的是「騾子」,而也有將毒品走私犯或運毒者稱之為mule。影片改編自真人真事,講的是一位90歲的越戰退伍老兵,替墨西哥毒販開車運毒的故事。雖然算不上是什麼精彩大片,而至少讓台長我撐著想睡,但還是將全片給看完。在影片將結束時,就出現了這首《Don't Let The Old Man In》。

依據寫唱此曲的美國鄉村歌手Toby Keith透露,他是在參加慈善杯高爾夫比賽時和Clint Eastwood分在同一組,在打球的同時,Eastwood曾聊到了他即將開拍的電影《The Mule》。又,Keith問Eastwood:聽說過兩天是你的生日,準備如何慶生?Eastwood回說:沒錯,是我88歲的生日,我將會去拍電影。Keith訝異Eastwood何以有此不斷的活力?Eastwood說:I just get up every morning and go out. And I don't let the old man in。此句話啟發了Toby Keith的靈感,回去後寫成此曲並寄給了Eastwood,顯然Eastwood頗喜歡此曲,然後就出現在影片中。

Toby Keith & Clint Eastwood

「Don't Let The Old Man In」在此處以中文來說,應該是「不要讓自己老化」。要「活」就要「動」,這類的話語,恐怕只有在意健康的中老年人才聽得進吧!


Don't let the old man in, I wanna leave this alone
Can't leave it up to him, he's knocking on my door
And I knew all of my life, that someday it would end
Get up and go outside, don't let the old man in
Many moons I have lived
My body's weathered and worn
Ask yourself how old you'd be
If you didn't know the day you were born
Try to love on your wife
And stay close to your friends
Toast each sundown with wine
Don't let the old man in
Many moons I have lived
My body's weathered and worn
Ask yourself how old you'd be
If you didn't know the day you were born
When he rides up on his horse
And you feel that cold bitter wind
Look out your window and smile
Don't let the old man in
Look out your window and smile
Don't let the old man in

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(956)Dance With Me Tonight
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