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老歌亂談(942)Hear My Song

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Bouke Scholten是出生於1981年的荷蘭歌手。

2009,荷蘭電視台舉辦了一個尋找「荷蘭的貓王」的節目《Where is Elvis?》,Bouke在該節目中奪魁。2014,Bouke又參加了《The Winner Takes It All》電視節目,再以詮釋貓王獲得比賽冠軍,並被譽稱為荷蘭最像貓王的聲音。2019,Bouke再度在才藝競賽節目《All Together Now》中勝出。

由於唱歌聲音酷似貓王,Bouke在2012參與了在貓王故居Graceland ( 位於田納西州的曼非斯 ) 當地的巡演;2017再受邀參加貓王逝世40週年的紀念表演。2018,Bouke還被提名荷蘭埃曼 ( Emmen ) 市的文化獎。

此首《Hear My Song》的作者不詳,聽起來像是老歌,但應該不是貓王的歌曲,倒是與60年代初期的一首《Hear my song, Violetta》,部份的曲調有些雷同。此曲首出現在Bouke 2005發行的專輯《Dit gaat nooit meer over》/( 這永遠不會過去?)中,或許,這就是Bouke自己的歌。



亂談(381)No More

The same old moon looks new tonight
The same old stars look twice as bright
The leaves are green
and gentle breezes blow
I feel as though my arms are wings
You won't believe those crazy things
I wanna be where lovers love to go

Hear my song in the old fashioned way
Hear my song and I'll love you for ever
How I long for your kiss night and day
I can't stay alone I'll make you my own
So please hear my pray

I made it certain someone new
Can make me feel the way I do
My darling I'm so glad you came my way
You know I long for your embrace
And no one else can take your place
I love you so that's what I wanna say

Hear my song in the old fashioned way
Hear my song and I'll love you for ever
How I long for your kiss night and day
I can't stay alone I'll make you my own
So please hear my pray

Hear my song in the old fashioned way
Hear my song and I'll love you for ever
How I long for your kiss night and day
I can't stay alone I'll make you my own
So please hear my pray

I can't stay alone I'll make you my own
So please hear my pray

台長: 流浪阿狗
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