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2019-09-17 06:04:34| 人氣2,143| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(943)What's A Woman

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此首《What's A Woman》為比利時樂團Vaya Con Dios ( 西班牙文,字面意為「與上帝同行」,但有將此樂團譯為「上帝子民合唱團」。) 於1990專輯《Night Owls》中所發行的第2首單曲,在歐洲地區大獲成功,不僅奪得比利時和荷蘭排行榜的冠軍,在法國及瑞士也分別獲得第5和第6名。

Vaya Con Dios樂團成立於1986,是三人組合,而最亮眼的應是有具獨特嗓音的女主唱Dani Klein了,此姝不僅會唱,還會寫歌及製作,此曲即為她與樂團成員所合寫。Vaya Con Dios是比利時歷來最為成功的樂團之一,專輯銷售超過1000萬張,單曲也超過了300萬張。而至1991起,樂團的大部份時間成為了one woman band,由Dani Klein獨撐。1996,Dani Klein退出,也導致樂團散夥。2004,樂團又重回發行專輯。2013,Dani Klein開始告別巡迴演唱,Vaya Con Dios也在2014確定是解散了。


What's a woman when a man
Don't stand by her side?
What's a woman when a man
Has secrets to hide?
She'll be weak
She'll be strong
Struggle hard
For so long
What's a woman when a man
(What's a man without a woman?)
Don't go by the rule?
What's a woman when a man
(What's a man without a woman?)
Makes her feel like a fool?
When right
Turns to wrong
She will try
To hold on to the ghosts of the past
When love was to last
Dreams from the past
Faded so fast
All alone
In the daek
She will swear
He'll never mislead her again
All those dreams from the oast
Faded so fast
Ghosts of the past
When love was to last
All alone
In the dark, she will swear cross her heart
Never again
Cross my heart
Never again
What's a man without a woman?
Cross my heart
A woman without a man
I say never again
What's a man without a woman?
Cross my heart
A woman without a man
No no never again
What's a man without a woman?
Cross my heart
A woman without a man
Never again
What's a man without a woman?
Cross my heart
A woman without a man
Never again
What's a man without a woman?
Cross my heart
A woman without a man
Never again
What's a man without a woman?
Cross my heart
A woman without a man
Never again
What's a man without a woman?
Cross my heart

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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