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老歌亂談(二十二)I gotta find cupid

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The Jumpers(翻拍自我留存的舊相片)


那一年(1965),我才剛開始學習吉他。暑假,同學在台北開舞會,我雖然不會跳舞,但還是跑去湊熱鬧捧場。到了現場,出乎意外的竟然看到來了個熱門合唱團,光是兩台吉它大音箱就將我給震住了。(後來我才知道,音箱不是外表大台就代表輸出功率強,或是音效多、音質佳;因為六零年代大家普遍都沒什麼錢,買不起進口音箱,有許多都是請電器行或是自己DIY。)後來他們好像有彈投機者(The Ventures)的演奏曲管路《Pipe Line》那些,我比較印象深刻的是之間有個女孩說要客串唱《A dear John Letter》,他們馬上就替她伴奏,當時我覺得這個合唱團還真的很「神」捏。


經打聽才知這個合唱團(The Jumpers)是同學阿彪找來的,團員中有和他交情不錯的朋友。再一年的暑假,我在阿彪家中也見到了他的朋友(抱歉!實在記不起名字來了),當然言語間也對之諸多崇拜。現在回顧起來,The Jumpers絕對是我的啟蒙樂團,就是因為他們也興起了我組團的念頭。


時光匆匆,又過了二年。那年同學又在台北辦舞會,場地很棒(好像是「自由之家」?),左右兩排是像西餐廳那種對坐的沙發椅,也有個小舞台。而這次輪到我們的團上台客串了,只記得那天有唱《I gotta find cupid》和《Sugar Sugar》。阿彪也有請他那位朋友過來,記得在唱完下台後他對我表示,沒想到才這麼短時間,我們會變得這麼棒。被偶像一誇,那種感覺有點像是要飛上天了。


之前我們聽《I gotta find cupid》是香港合唱團Zoundcrackers的版本,可惜因版權問題已被YouTube封鎖,那就來聽聽原唱Gray Lewis & The Playboys的版本吧。


We were oh so happy only yesterday
Then we had a quarrel
And now she’s gone away
I gotta find Cupid
I really need him right away
I gotta find Cupid
So many be he can save the day
I borrow his arrow
And shoot it at her heart
Gotta find Cupid
And makes another start
She ran away because people told her lies
Said I was untrue to her
And that’s the reason why
I gotta find Cupid
Cause he can send her back to me
If he can shoot his arrow
And make it like it used to be
He can tell her that I’m sorry
I didn’t mean to make her cry
Gotta find cupid
For I’m such a lonely guy
She ran away because people told her lies
Said I was untrue to her
And that’s the reason why
I gotta find Cupid
Cause he can send her back to me
If he can shoot his arrow
And make it like it used to be
He can tell her that I’m sorry
I didn’t mean to make her cry
Gotta find cupid
For I’m such a lonely guy
I gotta find Cupid
Cause he can send her back to me
If he can shoot his arrow
And make it like it used to be
I gotta find Cupid
Cause he can send her back to me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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