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老歌亂談(658)Two More Bottles of Wine

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這首《Two More Bottles of Wine》為Delbert McClinton所作,首錄者為美國鄉村歌手Emmylou Harris,為其1978專輯《Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town》中首支發行的單曲,也拿下了美國和加拿大鄉村榜的冠軍。( Emmylou目前已累積了13座葛萊美獎以及其他的音樂獎項 )

歌曲說的是一對情侶離開家鄉1600哩一起至西岸尋夢,熟料情況並不如預期,才兩個月情郎就獨自落跑,被留下的她只能完全的靠自己,在L.A.找到了個打掃倉庫 ( 棧 ) 的工作,儘管疲累或是寂寞,但
總算一切還好,因在此午夜,還有個二瓶葡萄酒 ( 若需要,可聊以慰藉?哈哈,應該是吧!)。

翻唱此曲的有Martina McBride ( 1995 )、Terri Clark ( 2012 ),倆人都唱得很不錯,反而是寫歌者Delbert McClinton自己唱的版本,感覺有點怪怪的,或許先入為主這是首「女聲」的歌曲吧!

Martina Mcbride

Terri Clark


Sheryl Crow---9座葛萊美獎、Vince Gill---20座葛萊美獎的得主。

We came out west together with a common desire
The fever we had migtha set the west coast on fire
Two months later got trouble in mind
My baby moved out and left me behind
But it's all right 'cause it's midnight
And I got two more bottles of wine

The way he left sure turned my head around
Seemed like overnight she just up and put me down
Ain't gonna let it bother me today
I been workin' and I'm too tired anyway
But it's all right 'cause it's midnight
And I got two more bottles of wine
I'm sixteen hundred miles from the people I know
Been doin' all I can but opportunity sure come slow
Lord I'd be in the sun all day
But I'm sweepin' out a warehouse in west L.A.
But it's all right 'cause it's midnight
And I got two more bottles of wine

台長: 流浪阿狗
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