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2014-02-07 15:10:37| 人氣2,728| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(228)Simon Says

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已故香港歌星羅文最早也是以唱西洋歌曲起家,在60年代曾組熱門合唱團 「羅文四步 ( Roman and the Four Steps )」。有一年,該合唱團來台灣表演,我有去歌廳觀賞,而且我很清楚的記得,他們有唱這首當時正相當流行的《Simon Says》。

roman and the four steps 

Simon Says ( or Simple Simon Says )其實是一種兒童的遊戲,就是在一群小朋友中,由一人扮演Simon,並發出 → 動作口令,其他人要跟著照做,而若是口令之前並未加Simon Says,跟做之人則為失敗或是出局 ( 大致是如此啦!)。

這首歌由1910 Fruitgum Company樂團於1967首錄發行,在1968年初到達熱門百大的第4名,也是歷年來銷售最好的單曲之一,雖然這也是一首bubblegum流行曲。


I'd like to play a game,
That is so much fun,
And it's not so very hard to do,
The name of the game is Simple Simon says,
And I would like for you to play it to,
Put your hands in the air,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them all about,
Simple Simon says,
Do it when Simon says,
Simple Simon says,
And you will never be out.
Simple Simon says,
Put your hands on your head,
Let your back bone stretch,
Simon says,
Simple simon says,
Put your hands on your head,
Let your back bone stiff,
Simon says,
Put your hands on your head,
Simple Simon says,
Bring them down by your side,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them to your left,
Simple Simon Says,
Now shake them to your right,
Put your hands on your head,
Simple Simon says,
Bring them down by your side,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them to your left,
Simple Simon Says,
Now shake them to your right,
Now that you have learnt,
To play this game with me,
You can see its not so hard to do,
Lets try it once again,
This time more carefully,
And I hope the winner will be you.
Clap your hands in the air,
Simple Simon says,
Do it double time,
Simple Simon says,
Slow it down like before,
Simple Simon says,
Ah, your looking fine.
Simple Simon says,
Now clap them high in the air,
Simple Simon says,
Do it double time,
Simple Simon says,
Slow it down like before,
Simple Simon says,
Ah, your looking fine.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(227)Garden Party

<a href='http://www.citedmorales.pw '>二手卡地亞手環</a>
<a href='http://www.citedmorales.pw/15422.html '>a. lange & sohne不會比這裡低</a>
2014-02-09 16:24:14
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