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老歌亂談(907)San Francisco Bay

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此曲為英國樂團Smokie的主唱Chris Norman與鼓手Pete Spencer所合寫,收錄在該團1979的專輯《The Other Side of the Road》中,單曲在德國及澳洲分別獲得第9、第10名。

Smokie樂團最知名的歌曲應該就是那首《Living Next Door to Alice》了,該曲大意是說男主角從小就暗戀鄰居女孩Alice,一直想找機會告白,未料Alice忽然在某日坐了輛豪華轎車離開了,此也顯示了之前Alice根本沒將男主角放在眼裡。更有趣的是,打電話通知男主角Alice要離開的是另位鄰居女孩Sally,之後Sally再打電話問男主角心情如何?並說:Alice走了,但我還在呀!正好也趁機向男主角告白。呵呵!

此首《San Francisco Bay》說的也是青澀的愛,或許當時雙方都不知珍惜,但在多年後回想,會覺得有些懊悔,卻往往已追不回了。以Chris Norman的嗓音來唱這類有些哀怨的歌,感覺頗有一番味道。但自此張專輯之後,Smokie的銷售成績明顯開始下滑,Chris Norman也終於在1986離團單飛。


亂談(8) Living Next Door to Alice

Maybe I'm a loner,
Maybe I'm a man,
Maybe I'm a fool,
But tried to understand.
I've been a dreamer,
And I've been around,
And I've spent my time
In many lonesome towns.
I used to know a woman,
I used to know a child,
Sometimes she was so gentle,
Sometimes she'd be so wild.
I gave her all my lovin,
And I gave her all my youth,
So certain of the future,
So sure we found the truth.
San Francisco Bay,
Where my love and I did run away,
We were looking for another day,
But we couldn't find the words to say...
San Francisco Bay,
All the flowers that we gave away,
Didn't know our sky was turing gray,
We were so young in San Francisco Bay.
So you see my darling,
Just why I've been so strange,
I've had so many heartaches,
It's hard for me to change.
So when you talk of lovin,
And going away with me,
I still can't help remembering
The way things used to be...
San Francisco Bay,
Where my love and I did run away,
We were looking for another day,
But we couldn't find the words to say...
San Francisco Bay,
All the flowers that we gave away,
Didn't know our sky was turing gray,
We were so young in San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco Bay,
Where my love and I did run away,
We were looking for another day,
But we couldn't find the words to say...
San Francisco Bay,
All the flowers that we gave away,
Didn't know our sky was turing gray,
We were so young in San Francisco Bay.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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