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2019-09-07 08:28:43| 人氣1,741| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(941)Send Me The Pillow You Dream On

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此曲為美國鄉村歌手Hank Locklin所寫,於1949自行錄唱發行,但未能打進排行榜;1957,Hank Locklin經由另家唱片公司重新發行此曲,皇天不負苦心人,這次終於在告示牌「電台DJ最常播放西部鄉村歌曲 ( Most Played C&W by Jockeys )」排行榜獲得第5名,同時也橫跨進了流行排行榜 ( # 77 )。

Hank Locklin參與著名的鄉村歌曲表演劇院Grand Ole Opry的會員近50年,他的另首知名歌曲為《Please Help Me, I'm Falling》。或許是歌好聽,此曲在60年代被The Browns、Johnny Tillotson及Dean Martin幾位翻唱,均分別進入了排行榜而成為熱門曲。歷來其它著名的翻唱者有:Jerry Lee Lewis、Connie Francis、Dolly Parton、Loretta Lynn、Pat Boone等等。


亂談(51)Please Help Me, I'm Falling

Johnny Tillotson的版本

Skeeter Davis的版本

Send me the pillow that you dream on
Don't you know that I still care for you?
Send me the pillow that you dream on
So darling, I can dream on it, too
Each night while I'm sleeping oh, so lonely
I'll share your love in dreams that once were true
Send me the pillow that you dream on
So darling, I can dream on it, too
Send me the pillow that you dream on
Maybe time will let our dreams come true
Send me the pillow that you dream on
So darling, I can dream on it, too
I've waited so long for you to write me
But just a memory's all that's left of you
Send me the pillow that you dream on
So darling, I can dream on it, too
So I can dream on it, too

台長: 流浪阿狗
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