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2019-02-17 13:08:48| 人氣2,465| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(901)You Got Me Singing

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當2016年的諾貝爾文學獎宣佈由美國搖滾歌手Bob Dylan獲得時,曾引發了是否可由音樂人獲得此獎的論戰,同時有許多人認為,若Bob Dylan可以得獎,則加拿大詩人歌手Leonard Cohen應更有資格,可見Cohen在流行樂壇歌迷心中的地位。

此首《You Got Me Singing》收錄在Cohen於2014推出的第13張錄音室專輯《Popular Problems》中,此時的Cohen已屆80歲了,專輯普獲好評,在加拿大、紐西蘭等多個國家拿下第一名,在美國流行專輯榜則是第15名。在之前1994的歌曲《The Future》中,Cohen對於未來是幾近「世界末日」的悲觀。但在此曲歌詞中的「You got me singing even though the world is gone. You got me thinking I'd like to carry on.」,可證明他其實也是個隱藏的樂觀者,針對此質疑,Cohen冷淡的回說:Yeah, I'm a closet optimist (躲在衣櫥的樂天派?)。

Leonard Cohen的愛情生活也滿豐富的,交往的女友一直未曾間斷。70年代和Suzanne Elrod在一起時,還生了一對子女,但直到分手(1970─1979),倆人一直未結婚。美國女歌手Jennifer Warnes和Cohen一起從事歌唱事業甚久,但倆人間並未傳出緋聞,有人好奇地問Jennifer,Cohen何以未對她動情?Jennifer回說:他可能太忙了吧!由這句雙關語,可見Cohen是不缺女友的。


Suzanne Elrod & Leonard Cohen

Jennifer Warnes & Leonard Cohen

2016,Leonard Cohen在家中摔了一跤,並在當晚過世 ( 而真正死因並未公佈 ),享年82歲。

《Pride & Prejudice / 傲慢與偏見》是英國小說家珍‧奧斯汀於1813年出版的愛情故事小說。影音中的畫面為2005改編自該小說的電影片段,男女主角分別為英國影星Matthew Macfadyen ( 馬修‧麥費狄恩 )及Keira Knightley ( 綺拉‧奈特莉)。

You got me singing
Even tho’ the news is bad
You got me singing
The only song I ever had

You got me singing
Ever since the river died
You got me thinking
Of the places we could hide

You got me singing
Even though the world is gone
You got me thinking
I’d like to carry on

You got me singing
Even tho’ it all looks grim
You got me singing
The Hallelujah hymn

You got me singing
Like a prisoner in a jail
You got me singing
Like my pardon’s in the mail

You got me wishing
Our little love would last
You got me thinking
Like those people of the past

You got me singing
Even though the world is gone
You got me thinking
I’d like to carry on

You got me singing
Even tho’ it all went wrong
You got me singing
The Hallelujah song

台長: 流浪阿狗
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