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老歌亂談(507)Our Shangri-La

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2003年,53歲的前Dire Straits ( 險峻海峽 ) 樂團的主唱兼吉他手Mark Knopfler,騎著他的Honda機車,在倫敦附近和一位女士開的Fiat ( 飛雅特 ) 撞上了,Mark Knopfler當場斷裂了肩胛骨和六根肋骨 ( 女士則沒事 )。除了原計劃的「Ragpicker's Dream」巡迴演唱隨即喊停,為了復健,有7個月的時間不能碰吉他。好加在的是,次年─2004,除了發行他第4張的個人專輯《Shangri-La》,也終於能重新站回舞台,為此專輯作海外巡迴演唱。

Shangri-La ( 香格里拉 ) 是西方世界夢想中的烏托邦樂園,這個名詞最早是出現在1933由英國人James Hilton所寫的小說《Lost Horizon》中,後兩次被翻拍成同名電影 ( 台譯:失去的地平線 )。這首收錄在上述專輯中的《 Our Shangri-La》,Mark Knopfler仍秉持著他一貫帶有些憂鬱及低沉、含混不清的唱腔 ( 其實,相當的表現還是在他的吉他彈奏 ),現場版還有美國知名鄉村女歌手Emmylou Harris的合音加持,是一首值得欣賞的佳作。


It's the end of a perfect day
For surfer boys and girls
The sun's dropping down in the bay
And falling off the world

There's a diamond in the sky
Our evening star
In our shangri-la

Get that fire burning strong
Right here and right now
It's here and then it's gone
There's no secret, anyhow

We may never love again
To the music of guitars
In our shangri-la

Tonight your beauty burns
Into my memory
The wheel of heaven turns
Above us endlessly
This is all the heaven we've got
Right here where we are
In our shangri-la

This is all the heaven we've got
Right here where we are
In our shangri-laIt's the end of a perfect day
For surfer boys and girls
The sun's dropping down in the bay
And falling off the world

There's a diamond in the sky
Our evening star
In our shangri-la

Get that fire burning strong
Right here and right now
It's here and then it's gone
There's no secret, anyhow

We may never love again
To the music of guitars
In our shangri-la

Tonight your beauty burns
Into my memory
The wheel of heaven turns
Above us endlessly
This is all the heaven we've got
Right here where we are
In our shangri-la

This is all the heaven we've got
Right here where we are
In our shangri-la

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(508)I Shall Be Released
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