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2019-02-08 15:36:07| 人氣2,352| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(899)Ride Captain Ride

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此曲為美國搖滾樂團Blues Image的主唱兼吉他手Mike Pinera及鍵盤手Frank Knote所寫,並收錄在該團1970的專輯《Open》中,單曲雖只獲得排行榜的第4名,唱片卻大賣超過百萬張並獲得「金唱片」的認證。

關於此曲,有人認為是在講英國船長Francis Drake(1540─1596)某次與73位水手航行至美國西岸舊金山附近的故事 ( 此種獨立作戰掠奪敵對國的船艦,有點像羅素‧克洛所主演的電影《Master and Commander:The Far Side of the World / 怒海爭鋒》。)。而也有人相信此曲是關於1968年美國環境研究船 ( 其實應是艘偵蒐情報的「間諜船」) Pueblu號,遭北韓襲擊及逮捕的事件,在拘禁了11個月後全部人員獲釋,但當時船上的官兵為83員,其中一員在遭襲擊時喪生,並非歌曲中的73人。


pueblo ( 普韋布洛 ) 號檔案相片

其實,當時Blues Image在錄音室錄專輯的時候,還需要一首歌且時間急迫,Mike Pinera腦中或已有了旋律,所以他說:好吧!我需要第一個字。而他正坐在Rhodes Piano前,所想到的是電子琴有73個鍵,於是從73開始,這首歌於焉產生。至於歌曲的內容,則是Mike靠自己的想像寫的,此經Mike的妻子後來告知媒體而得以證實。

Rhodes electric piano

此曲也是Blues Image唯一進榜前40名的歌曲,當然也成了所謂的「一曲樂團」。不過,Mike Pinera後來加入了Iron Butterfly,Frank Knote則參加了Three Dog Night,都屬於是知名的搖滾樂團。

亂談(337)Fly Robin Fly

Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here's what they had to say
"We're callin' everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more"

But no one heard them callin', no one came at all
'Cause they were too busy watchin' those old raindrops fall
As a storm was blowin' out on the peaceful sea
Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here's what they had to say
"We're callin' everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more"

But no one heard them callin', no one came at all
'Cause they were too busy watchin' those old raindrops fall
As a storm was blowin' out on the peaceful sea
Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip

台長: 流浪阿狗
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