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老歌亂談(660)Can't Cry Anymore

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出生於1962的Sheryl Crow,是密蘇里大學音樂科系的學士 ( 後被學校授與榮譽博士學位 ),畢業後擔任音樂老師及參加了當地的樂團,利用週末時作表演。1987─1989,Sheryl Crow還擔任了Michael Jackson巡迴演唱的合音歌手。但她真正在音樂界竄起,應該是交了Kevin Gilbert這位男友。

Bill Bottrell
由於Kevin Gilbert的關係,Sheryl Crow被介紹認識了Bill Bottrell,Bottrell稍早前才搞了個錄音室,並找了幾位朋友成立了個團體,自稱「Tuesday Night Music Club」,除了是錄音室的基本樂手,也在一起創作歌曲。Kevin Gilbert即為此團體的成員之一,Sheryl Crow隨後也加入,且被允許在團體中討論創作屬於她個人的歌曲。1993,Sheryl Crow推出了她的首張專輯,專輯中所有歌曲的作者均為由Sheryl Crow與各團員分別掛名,或因是之故,專輯也取名為《Tuesday Night Music Club》。原本,各團員對參與歌曲的創作都很隨意,卻在專輯發行後對掛名產生了計較與爭執 ( 其實專輯中大部份的歌均為Kevin Gilbert所寫 ),甚至大家為此撕破了臉,除了Bottrell與鼓手留下繼續與Sheryl Crow合作,其他人則離開各奔前程。當然,Sheryl Crow與Kevin Gilbert也就此分手。

專輯發行後其實並沒受到太大的關注,直到其中的一首《All I Wanna Do》( Kevin Gilbert亦參與合寫 ),因歌詞中引用詩人Wyn Cooper的詩句,在1994忽然爆紅,連帶使得專輯大賣,也在1995為Sheryl Crow拿下了「年度最佳唱片」、「最佳新人」及「最佳女歌手」三座葛萊美獎。此首《Can't Cry Anymore》即為專輯中的一首,也拿下了告示牌熱門榜的第36名,也是Sheryl Crow在西班牙排名最高的歌曲 ( NO. 1 )。

Kevin Gilbert在離開Sheryl Crow後繼續打拼自己的音樂事業,卻在1996年死於自淫窒息式的性愛 ( autoerotic asphyxiation ),僅享年29歲。

Took your car
Drove to Texas
Sorry, honey
But I suspected we were through
And I can't cry anymore
Since I left
Been feelin' better, cause that's
What you get when you
Stay together too long
And I can't cry anymore

Wouldn't it be good if
we could hop a flight to anywhere
So long to this life
So much for pretending
Bad luck's never-ending
And now I know that

Money comes in
But the fact is
There's not enough to
Pay my taxes
And I can't cry anymore
Well, got a brother
He's got real problems
Heroin - no
There's just no stopping him tonight
And I won't cry anymore


It's never ending

It could be worse
I could've missed my calling
Sometimes it hurts
But when you read the writing on the wall
Can't cry anymore


And too much time I've been spending
With my heart in my hands
Waiting for time to come and mend it

I can't cry anymore

台長: 流浪阿狗
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