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2018-11-23 14:04:27| 人氣2,043| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(882)All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down

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此曲為美國樂團The Mavericks的主唱Raul Malo和是為吉他手的Al Anderson倆人所合寫。為The Mavericks 1996專輯《Music for All Occasions》中所發行的第2首單曲,在告示牌鄉村單曲排行榜獲得第13名,也是The Mavericks入榜成績最佳的歌曲。

其實這首歌述說的情境是滿令人不堪的,就是當女友離去後,自己還被小鎮上的人當個傻蛋看 ( Making me a fool all over town )。但由歌曲的旋律,完全感受不到這種悲楚,反而讓人以為這是首氣氛歡樂的歌。寫歌者之一的Al Anderson在接受訪談時說:在開始時他認為自己不知在搞什麼鬼,竟然會寫出這種「蠢歌」,而當從收音機聽到時,卻又覺得非常棒,也是他一直非常喜歡的一首。

參與此曲伴奏的手風琴手Flaco Jiménez頗有來頭,曾得過兩座葛萊美獎 ( 在前述之專輯中僅客串此一曲 )。另,美國一些「資深」的地方鄉村樂團,似乎滿喜歡演唱此曲的,或許是這首歌並不難唱,且也蠻適合跳舞的。


I can't sleep a wink anymore
Ever since you first walked out the door
Then I just started drinking to forget
But I don't think the worst has happend yet

All you ever do is bring me down
Making me a fool all over town
They all wonder why I wear a frown
That's cause honey all you ever do is bring me down

It's funny how my whole world fell apart
I think I saw it coming from the start
I tried to tell myself that you'd be true
But I expected way too much of you

All you ever do is bring me down
Making me a fool all over town
They all wonder why I wear a frown
That's cause honey all you ever do is bring me down

All you ever do is bring me down
Making me a fool all over town
They all wonder why I wear a frown
That's cause honey all you ever do is bring me down
That's cause honey all you ever do is bring me down
Honey all you ever do is bring me down
Two, three, four

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(883)Peaceful Easy Feeling
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