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老歌亂談(881)I Got the Blues

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在60年代中期,英國樂團、歌手尚未大舉侵入美國市場前,其實已先受到了一些美國曲風的影響,而令人詫異的是,這些受到英國年輕人喜愛的曲風,並非是當時流行的如貓王的搖滾樂,反而是偏向黑人歌手所唱的節奏、或是靈魂藍調的歌曲,此由後來的英國樂團如The Beatles、The Rolling Stones、The Animales及Them所翻唱的一些美國歌曲可瞧出端倪。

此首《I Got the Blues》是由滾石樂團的主唱Mick Jagger和吉他手Keith Richards所合寫,收錄在1971的專輯《Sticky Fingers》中。流行樂的記者Richie Unterberger認為此曲即是滾石樂團早期受到靈魂藍調曲風影響的作品,甚至像極了美國黑人歌手Otis Redding的《I'v Been Loving You Too Long》,而滾石在1965也曾翻唱過該首歌。

一般而言,這不過是首仍惦念著舊情人的情歌,並無啥特別之處。而許多人認為,此曲的編曲,無論是吉他、薩克斯風、喇叭、電風琴等部份都表現極佳。特別一提的是,彈電風琴的是Billy Preston,傳說曾被John Lennon接納要成為The Beatles的第五位成員,看來

亂談(592) I'v Been Loving You Too Long

印尼樂團Acid Speed的翻唱版,表現得相當不錯。

As I stand by your flame
I get burned once again
Feelin' low down, I'm blue
As I sit by the fire
Of your warm desire
I've got the blues for you, yeah
Every night you've been away
I've sat down and I have prayed
That you're safe in the arms of a guy
Who will bring you alive
Won't drag you down with abuse
In the silk sheet of time
I will find peace of mind
Love is a bed full of blues
And I've got the blues for you
And I've got the blues for you
And I'll bust my brains out for you
And I'll tear my hair out
I'm gonna tear my hair out just for you
If you don't believe what I'm singing
At three o'clock in the morning, babe, well
I'm singing my song for you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
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