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老歌亂談(879)Draggin' the Line

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1970,Tommy James與他的樂團The Shondells分手後開始單飛,此首《Draggin' the Line》原是作為另首單曲《Church Street Soul Reviva》的B面,但發行後發現情況似乎不錯 ( 電台的DJ反而會經常播放 ),故決定重錄並在隔年 ( 1971) 重新作為A面發行。此曲果然成為了暢銷曲,在告示牌熱門榜獲得了第4名。

「Drag」有拖曳、拉的意思,Draggin' the Line可意會成「拖拉出一條線」,由此,許多人認為此曲和吸食古柯鹼有關 ( 在電影中常可見到吸食者會將毒品粉末先排成一條線 )。但其他像是犁田、捕魚或是電線佈線等工作,也都會出現Draggin' the Line的情況,故也被意喻是「辛勞的工作」。Tommy James在接受訪談時說,他和Bob King寫此曲時是在他紐約上州的農場,並澄清「'Draggin' the Line' just meant working every day. Nothing really very mysterious about it.」。雖然寫歌者自己都這麼說了,但仍不禁令人懷疑,他只是將吸毒的隱喻包裝得很好,而且有些暗自得意吧!事實上,Tommy James有吸毒的前科記錄。1970,他和The Shondells在舞台上表演時,即因嗑藥過量反應,當場倒了下去,甚至還曾被宣佈死亡,而最後還是活了過來。為了之後的修養,也才和他的樂團The Shondells分手。

2000,Tommy James和The Shondells又重新聚首,在紐約的夜總會The Bitter End演唱他們當年的熱門暢銷曲,雖然這首《Draggin' the Line》應該算是Tommy James的「個人歌曲」,但樂團還是將之列為表演的曲目。

亂談(124)Hanky Panky

亂談(193)Mony Mony

Making a living the old, hard way.
Taking and giving my day by day.
I dig the snow and the rai nand the bright sunshine.
I'm draggin' the line (draggin' the line).
My dog Sam eats purple flowers.
We ain't got much, but what we've got's ours.
We dig snow and the rain and the bright sunshine.
Draggin' the line (draggin the line).
I feel fine.
I'm talking about peace of mind.
I'm gonna take my time.
I'm getting to good times.
Draggin' the line (draggin the line).
Loving a free and feeling spirit.
Hugging a tree when you get near it.
Digging the snow and the rain and the bright sunshine.
I'm draggin' the line (draggin the line).
Draggin' the line (draggin' the line).
I feel fine.
I'm talking about peace of mind.
I'm gonna take my time.
I'm getting to good times.
Draggin' the line (draggin the line).

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(880)Every Little Thing
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(878)Some Days Are Diamonds ( Some Days Are Stone )

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