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老歌亂談(871)Hot Legs

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此曲為英國歌手Rod Stewart與其樂隊的吉他手Gary Grainger所合寫,並收錄在Stewart 1977的專輯《Foot Loose & Fancy Free》中,單曲在美、英排行榜分別獲得第28及第5名。

歌曲的主題是Hot Legs,當然不能譯為「熱腿」,或許想成是「超辣的腿」、「玉腿」、「美腿」會較來得貼切。每個女生,應該都會想要有一雙修長的美腿吧!也有許多男生,會對女生的美腿特別情鍾,看來Rod Stewart亦是如此,這些也都OK。歌曲中女粉絲在半夜三更來敲房門投懷送抱,此或許並非鮮見的情況,唯不知Stewart為何非要將此美腿女孩形容成好像是未成年 ( are you still in school?),炫耀自己有風流韻事是一回事,但和未成年少女發生性關係,則是要負法律上的責任的。而風流和下流往往也只是一線之隔。

有位算是寫樂評的老兄,認為此曲是「World's Worst Songs」,理由大致如上述。但卻遭大多數歌友回應打臉,並不同意寫文者的觀點,認為此曲內容雖涉及情色,但仍保有相當的「含蓄」,情況並不如所言嚴重。而主要的,許多人認為這是首很棒的搖滾歌曲,尤其是吉他的彈奏部份。

除了此曲,從Rod Stewart在1978推出的另首《Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?》( 講的是對酒吧中的女子,若認為他夠性感,就一起…… ),顯見這位Stewart老兄一向是自命風流。而其人生的「戰績」也確實頗為輝煌,前後上榜的花名單就有38人。不過,比起滾石合唱團的主唱Mick Jagger的85人,也只是小巫見大巫罷了。^^




Who's that knockin' on my door?
It's gotta be a quarter to four
Is it you again, comin' round for more?
Well, you can love me tonight if you want
But in the morning make sure you're gone
I'm talkin' to you
Hot legs, you're wearin' me out
Hot legs, you can scream and shout
Hot legs, are you still in school?
I love you honey

You got a most persuasive tongue
You promise all kinds of fun
But what you don't understand, I'm a working man
I'm gonna need a shot of vitamin E
By the time you're finished with me
I'm talkin' to you
Hot legs, you're an alley cat
Hot legs, you scratch my back
Hot legs, bring your mother too
I love you, honey

Imagine how my daddy felt
In your jet black suspender belt
Seventeen years old,
He's trudging sixty four
You got legs right up to your neck
You're makin' me a physical wreck
I'm talkin' to you
Hot legs in your satin shoes
Hot legs, are you still in school?
Hot legs, you're makin' me a fool
I love you, honey

Hot legs, you're makin' your mark
Hot legs, keep my pencil sharp
Hot legs, keep your hands to yourself
I love you, honey

Hot legs you're wearin' me out
Hot legs you can scream and shout
Hot legs, you're still in school
I love you, honey
Hot legs
Hot legs
Hot legs

Hot legs you're well-equipped
Hot legs oh your pussy's whipped
Hot legs I just love your lips
I love ya
I love ya
I love ya, honey
Hot legs
Hot legs
Hot legs
I love ya honey!

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(872)I Know a Heartache When I See One
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