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2018-09-05 16:11:28| 人氣2,080| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(864)I Wonder Where You Are Tonight

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說到美國鄉村歌手Bobby Bare,台灣的西洋老歌友對他的《Detroit City》及《500 Miles Away From Home》應都有些熟悉。這位Bobby老兄厲害的是,雖然這兩首都是翻唱歌曲,卻能青出於藍,成為最受歡迎的版本,甚至《Detroit City》在1964還為他贏得了一座葛萊美獎。Bobby Bare的好歌當然不止於此,他在1965和Skeeter Davis合唱的《A Dear John Letter》,當年在台灣也是紅到不行。

此首《I Wonder Where You Are Tonight》也是Bobby Bare翻唱的歌曲,收錄在他1963的專輯《500 Miles Away From Home》中。或許Bobby Bare的曲風即是如此,在此曲中仍隱約可感受到前述兩首歌的影子,不禁令人「愛屋及烏」了起來。^^

其它翻唱此曲的歌手有Jerry Lee Lewis、Porter Wagoner、Dolly Parton、Keith Whitley等等,以下另貼的是Jeannie Kendall的版本,Jeannie曾與父親共組The Kendalls,Jeannie的嗓音十分特殊,但在此曲中並未完全表現出來。

在寒冷的雨夜特別容易想起舊情人?( 嗯,恐怕是的!) 問題是當初情人離開時,雖然內心難過,但並未誠心挽留,甚至還努力擠出一抹笑容。現在又自艾自怨,懷疑在這雨夜情人會在哪?呵呵!極有可能會是在另一個溫暖的胸膛裡。


亂談(183) Detroit City
亂談(369) 500 Miles Away From Home
亂談(6)Pittsburgh Stealers / The Kendalls

Tonight I'm sad my heart is weary
I'm wondering if I'm wrong or right
To dream about you though you left me
I wonder where you are tonight.

That old rain is cold and slowly falling
Upon my window pane tonight
And though your heart was even colder
I wonder where you are tonight.

Then came the dawn the day you left me
I tried to smile with all my might
But you could see the pain within me
That lingers in my heart tonight.

That old rain is cold and slowly falling
Upon my window pane tonight
And though your heart was even colder
I wonder where you are tonight...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(865)Yellow Bird
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(863)These Arms of Mine

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