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老歌亂談(860)If The Boy Only Knew

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1961,美國女歌手Sue Thompson以一首《Sad Movies(Make Me Cry)》一戰成名( #5 ),歌曲中類小女孩楚楚動人的嗓音,令人印象十分深刻。其實,Sue Thompson當時已36歲,且梅開三度,正處於第三段婚姻之中。

而緊跟在《Sad Movies(Make Me Cry)》之後的單曲《Norman》,卻是Sue Thompson在排行榜成績最佳的歌曲 ( #3 )。而此首《If The Boy Only Knew》是作為Thompson的第4首單曲 ---《Have a Good Time》 ( 1962 ) 的墊底B面歌曲,成績不理想是可預期的 ( #112 ),但此曲所散發出的,仍是如《Sad Movies》般濃濃的曲風,一聽即可知是Thompson的作品。

此曲說的是女孩喜歡上青少年的男孩,但礙於當時保守的社會風俗,無法主動向男生表白,也只能故意的從男生面前經過,來吸引對方的注意 ( 哈哈,沒錯!在5、60年代的台灣社會也是,太主動的女生恐會被認為是「花痴」吧!)。

成也蕭何、敗也蕭何」,Sue Thompson的特殊嗓音,造就了她的歌唱事業,卻也因而限制了她的歌路發展,再加上年輕的Brenda Lee及Connie Francis等的掘起,Sue Thompson的市場盡失。1965之後,Sue Thompson又回頭去唱鄉村歌曲,並和男歌手Don Gibson合作了一段時間,但成績普普,未有任何一首合唱曲入榜前20名。唯人生的得失很難論定,Sue Thompson雖未能再創歌唱事業的高峯,而至少健康狀況還頗佳,如今已是93歲的高壽了。

亂談(105)Sad Movies

亂談(543)Sea of Heartbreak /Don Gibson



If the boy only knew what the girl must go through
When the girl falls in love with the boy
She can't let him know that she loves him so
So what can the poor girl do?

He can have his fun with any other one
There's plenty of girls he can date
But he's the only love 'neath the starry skies above
To the girl who must sit at home and wait

Oh, if she could only let him know that she was lonely
Then he might find time to be lonely too

If the boy only knew what the girl must go through
When the girl falls in love with the boy

台長: 流浪阿狗
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