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這首《Groovin'》為The Young Rascals的團員Felix Cavaliere及Eddie Brigati所作。由於當時他們的工作時程,只能在星期天的下午才有空與女友一起渡過,也因此激發出他們寫這首歌的靈感。

但歌曲錄好後,Atlantic唱片公司的老闆Jerry Wexler覺得並不符合The Young Rascals之前所呈現的白人靈魂樂的曲風,不想將之發行。而聽過此曲、並認為此曲相當出色的電台DJ---Murray the K知道此事後,跑去找Jerry Wexler並對他說:『你瘋了嗎?這是XX的第一名的歌曲呀!』這位DJ沒有說錯,此曲果然在1967登上了告示牌單曲的冠軍寶座。

歌詞中有一句「Life would be ecstasy,You and me endlessly…」,有許多人將後句聽成是「You and me and Leslie」,而誤認為歌曲是在講「三人行」。果若如此,那就真的是更Groovin' ( 美妙 ) 了。 ←哈哈,以上純屬台長個人意見,隨便說說,切莫當真

1968年,The Young Rascals在發行了一張單曲《It's Wonderful》之後,應該是認為樂團已趨成熟,而將樂團名字中的young去除,成為了The Rascals。( 從小流氓變為了正牌流氓?呵呵!^^)

Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away too soon
I can't imagine anything that's better
The world is ours whenever we're together
There ain't a place I'd like to be instead of
Movin' down a crowded avenue
Doin' anything we like to do
There's always lots of things that we can see
We can be anyone we like to be
And all those happy people we could meet
Just groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really, couldn't get away too soon
No, no, no, no
We'll keep on spending sunny days this way
We're gonna talk and laugh our time away
I feel it coming closer day by day
Life would be ecstasy, you and me endlessly
Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away to soon
No, no, no, no
Groovin', groovin'

台長: 流浪阿狗
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