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老歌亂談(792)Rock Steady

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此曲為加拿大籍知名歌手Bryan Adams與Gretchen Peters ( 美籍,亦為歌手兼詞曲作家 ) 所合寫,收錄在美國女歌手Bonnie Raitt於1995發行的專輯《Road Tested》中。此曲設定為男女對唱曲,由寫歌的Bryan Adams親自出馬與Bonnie Raitt一起唱。唯此曲發行的單曲成績並不怎麼理想,只獲得告示牌熱門排行榜的第73名; 而或許是由於愛國歌迷對Bryan Adams的捧場,在加拿大則為第17名。

Bonnie Raitt共贏得過11座葛萊美獎,在滾石雜誌歷來100名最佳的歌手中排名第50;也在該雜誌歷來100名最佳吉他手中排名第89 ( 她在此曲現場影音中的彈奏表現,的確讓人刮目相看。) Bryan Adams (1959年生) 較Bonnie Raitt年輕10歲,曾囊括20座朱諾獎 ( Juno Awards—被視為是加拿大的葛萊美獎 ) 及1座葛萊美獎,也因為替電影寫歌,5度被提名金球獎及3次提名奧斯卡獎。

歌曲的大意應該是在說,交友選擇有人生歷練的熟男熟女,會比交少男少女來得知心和體貼,也更來得穩定。Rock steady (adj)---
Something that is rock steady is very firm and does not shake or move about.中文有翻成「穩如泰山」或「堅若磐石」。而Rock steady (noun)--- 則是a type of slow Jamaican dance music of the 1960s。歌詞中:Rock steady all night long,Rock steady till the light of dawn。看起來像是在跳舞,但跳舞也不必跳一整夜,或許有影射其他的意思,就請大家各自解讀和想像吧!^^

延伸閱讀:亂談(720)Please Forgive Me

You need a man that'll treat you like the woman you are
Those little boys are just fooling around with your heart
Whatcha gonna do now that you're all alone?
You need a rock not a rollin' stone
Yeah so when a boy
just ain't enough
You need a man made of stronger stuff
Get ready

Rock steady all night long
Rock steady till the light of dawn
Slow and easy tried and true
Rock steady
Just me and you

You need somebody who will help you with your heavy load
Well I've been there baby
Lord give me a rock and roll
Well I can bend but I won't break
cause you ain't got what I can take
So when you're tired of those little girls
you want a woman that'll rock your world
Get ready

Rock steady all night long
Rock steady till the light of dawn
Slow and easy tried and true
Rock steady
Just me and you

Amateurs and dilettantes
They can't give you what you really want
When all the other have been untrue
I'll give you something you can hold on to
Rock steady all night long
Rock steady till the light of dawn
Slow and easy tried and true
Rock steady
Just me and you

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(793)I'm Not Lisa
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(791)My Special Prayer

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