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老歌亂談(791)My Special Prayer

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人生的際遇很奇妙,有時會在無預期之下遇見貴人,也從此就改變了自己的人生。美國黑人歌手Percy Sledge才在醫院工作不久,就經由之前一位信任他的病患介紹,認識了唱片製作人Quin Ivy,再經過試唱,得到了出唱片的合約。

1967,Percy Sledge推出他的第一首歌《When a Man Loves a Woman》,竟然就在排行榜奪得冠軍,也成為暢銷世界的熱門曲。在接下來的幾年,陸續都有入榜佳作,Percy Sledge也成了受歡迎的國際歌手,尤其是在荷蘭、德國和非洲大陸,在南非,平均一年有百場的演唱會。

此首《My Special Prayer》為Percy Sledge於1969所發行的單曲,雖然入榜的名次不高 ( Hot 100 #93 / R&B #44 ),而翻唱者也不少,顯然是屬於叫好卻不叫座的歌曲。據Percy Sledge透露,他唱《When a Man Loves a Woman》時,是以在1965稍晚時工作被解僱、同時女友也離開他的情緒來投入。此曲祈禱的目的,是呼喚女友能夠回頭,或許Percy Sledge也是以同樣的心情來唱吧!

延伸閱讀:亂談(61) When a Man Loves a Woman

南非歌手Ray Dylan 2009的版本

While the choir sang, Ave Marie
I was singing with all my heart
And I sent a special prayer, up to heaven
That you'll return to me before I fall apart

While the choir sings hallelujah
I was singing with all my heart
Darling please come back and never leave me again
And this will be (this will be) the answer to my prayer

And I'll wait, here for the answer
That you'll come back, come back I pray
For if you stayed, away another hour
Well I don't think I could last another day

While the choir sings hallaluyah
I was singing with all my heart
Darling please, come back and never leave me again
And this will be an answer to my prayer

台長: 流浪阿狗
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